chapter 3

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Well it's been three months since I got here do you want to know where my relationship with Nora is at well... it's practically nonexistent ,I mean what is wrong with that girl I have tried everything sweets , talking and even offering to play with her but nothing I have been "child yelling" at my parents whenever they are mean to her but still she won't talk to me unless it's absolutely necessary, I mean I know she just a kid and I'm an adult mentally but it's starting to get frustrating .

Ha oh well maybe I should take a break I mean I have been at this for three months I deserve a break . I found a nice sleeping area in the garden under a tree I grabbed pillows from my bedroom to set up a little bed  I lay down and listen to calmness of the garden, since I came here I haven't had much to do for entertainment I sighed I miss my phone My laptop I miss reading manga and watching anime the only thing entertaining in this world is novels and storybooks but I quickly ran into a problem with those  I can't read the language in this world I can speak and under stand others but I can't read or write it, I'm surprised that my parents haven't called me out on that because I'm pretty sure I'm falling behind in my classes haaa I slowly starting falling asleep thinking about all the problems I have to face in this new world .

Nora pov
As I approached my favorite spot to read in, it was quiet and away from people and no one really comes here so perfect for someone like me I noticed a small figure as I got closer I noticed it was my sister ugh really she wants to steal my quiet place too ever since we got our magic affinity tested at age 7 she has had everything all because her magic was stronger  than mine honestly I didn't mind at first but soon all the other noble kids started to make fun me , my parents were ashamed of Me and my sister who i thought would be by my side at least started avoiding me I hated it .

Although she has been acting strange lately she has been trying to talk to me for some reason buying sweets for me and even scolding my parents whenever they are rude towards me, I don't know what she planning maybe she wants to use me as a charity case to Improve her reputation among the nobles. I sat down next to her "sis do you really want to be friends with me" I asked out loud not really expecting an answer "yes I want to be your friend and your Sister" huh she was awake

Lora pov

How long have I been awake you ask well I'm a light sleeper so as soon as she sat down next to me, I didn't expect her to ask me that question though but this is a good opportunity to make up with her so that's why I answered her question . I sat up and Nora looked surprised she stood up to leave but I held her hand stopping her she looked down at me "I really want to be your friend I want to make up for all the times I spent ignoring you" right now I'm giving Nora my most serious anime protagonist look "I'm sorry Nora please forgive me" , she blushed and looked away

Huh what kind of reaction is that but she quickly regained her composure

"I was lonely" she said she sounded close to tears

"I know I'm Sorry"

"It hurt and I felt alone I was abandoned by my family" she took a deep breath "what if I do something disgraceful again will you leave me what if you realize that I'm not worth it what if......."

I got up and gave her a tight  hug "Nora I will never ignore you again I promise you I will be with you forever or until you don't want anymore" she smiled "you promise" I smiled "I promise" and she suddenly started crying

Eh I panicked "why are you crying"

"Nothing I'm just so happy"

"Hmmm me too"

Mission complete .

Sorry for the short chapter and possibly the mountain of bad grammar I'm currently not feeling well but I still wanted to update so I hope you enjoyed >.<

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