chapter 6

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Narrator pov
After separating with his daughters lord Neil belford was ushered into a room filled with most of the nobles in the kingdom who were waiting for their children to finish their tea party, lord belford went and took a sit next to lord whistledawn who was the Minister In charge of the kingdom's finances.

Lord belford: whistledawn it's been long since we last saw each other.

Lord whistledawn: ( laughs ) yes it has truly my friend how have you been.

Lord belford: good good how about you and your family how have you been.

Lord whistledawn: healthy but my sons have truly been a troublesome bunch your lucky belford you have two well behaved daughters.

Lord belford: yes they are truly my pride and joy.

As the two were talking the duke James Nile walked up to them with two glasses of wine in his hand.

Duke: lord belford it nice of you to join us (hands him one glass), I was starting to think you wouldn't come.

Lord belford: well you know how women are they are never ready on time.

Duke : (laughs) true true my wife and my daughter can never be anywhere on time.

Lord whistledawn : well but at least they are well behaved I have never heard of them causing any sort trouble.

Lord belford: they are well behaved kids.

As the man conversed the king graced the room with his presence and all the attention went to him.

Not less than an hour had gone by when the room shook and an explosion was heard.

"What was that" the king panicked "lord Kyle please make sure my daughter and all the children are safe".

"Yes your majesty" lord Kyle bowed as he left

"Father are you alright" the crown prince and first princess busted into the room

"Yes I'm fine my children, it's your sister I'm worried about".

The room became tensed as each person feared for the life of their children.

"Are you sure we are not under attack" the duke said breaking the eerie silence, "your majesty it may not be safe for you here"

"I trust in lord Kyle....he will handle it".

Thirty minutes later

Lord Kyle walked back into the room and everybody stood up tensed

"So what happened" the prince asked

"Well......"lord Kyle trailed off as he side eye glanced at lord belford

"Well what, say something Kyle are the children alright" the duke snapped impatiently.

"The princess and most of the party guests are fine but lord Nile lord whistledawn and lord route kids are very injured and has been sent to the clinic".

"Oh no what happened did we get attacked" the princess asked concerned.

"No it was......em...."

"Speak up Kyle who hurt my daughter"
The duke shouted

"It was lady Lora of lord belford family"

"What" lord belford slammed his hand on the table "Lora would never do something like that ".

"It wasn't on purpose it turns out the other kids were picking on her sister and lady lora didn't take kindly to her sister being ridiculed so she lost control of her magic that's what caused the explosion".

"Where are they now" lord belford asked

"Their at the clinic"

"Okay your majesty if would excuse me I have to go check on my daughters" lord belford bowed before leaving .

Lora pov

It's dark and everything hurts, am i dying .
What who is calling me
Lora wake up
Huh what
I said wake the fuck up.

I jolted up from my bed breathing heavily wtf was that, as i slowly started to calm down I noticed a figure next me it was Nora. I smiled she was okay, I mean she was covered in tiny bandages but other than that she was fine she sat on the chair In a position that didn't look comfortable,I should wake her up she's gonna hurt her neck like that.

"Nora" I called softly even though I said that I wanted to wake her up I still feel bad about it.

She opened her eyes slowly and blinked a few times and sat up suddenly which startled me.

"Lora you are awake"

"Yes obviously"

"Are you okay"

Was I okay, well aside from a massive headache I feel fine

"Yes I'm okay" she smiled

"That's good "

I smiled back ah I suddenly remembered, what about the party, the kids what happened after I passed out. It seemed as if Nora read my mind because she said the party was cancelled because of the panick caused by the explosion and the kids that were inside with us where taken to the royal physician they were seriously injured but not dead , after I heard that I felt relieved I was actually afraid that I had killed them.
What a minute something is not right here if all the other kids that were caught in the explosion are seriously injured how is Nora still fine , I was about to ask her that when suddenly the door bust open and dad walked in with an a expression that didn't seem to be worry.

He made his way to my bed and stared down at me making direct eye contact

"What did you do" he asked his voice was low and menacing

I broke eye contact with him trying to look anyway, my eyes landed on Nora she was trembling like a leaf in the autumn breeze she looked so scared.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you" his voice was a little higher now I "brought you here to make connections with other nobles and the royal family not to kill them "

"But I didn't......"

"Let me finish, did you know that the dukes daughter was one of the people whom you almost killed".

What did he just say the dukes daughter.....I just encounted one of the harem girls without realizing it and not just any member I just met (drum roll please) "the tusndere" I can't believe it how did I not recognize her, I was so focused on Nora that I didn't notice her. I just hope I didn't get her attention or maybe she will just stay away from me because I almost killed her.

"Are you listening to me young lady" my father shouted bringing me back, oh right I'm being scolded right now what has he been saying

"Yes I'm listening and I agree with everything your saying"

"Good so I will ask the king the day the princess will be free so you can apologize "


"I will also schedule a meeting with the duke, lord whistledawn and also lord route so you can also apologize to them "


So authorchan here I wanted to say thank you for the 100 reads honestly when I started this book I didn't know that i would get up to 20 reads you know it being cringe and all but 100 reads!!!. it motivated me to continue because I was thinking of dropping it but now maybe I will continue.

So anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter 😘😘.

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