chapter 4

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It's been a few weeks since I made up with Nora and it's been a blast cause well I will never tell Nora this but I've been lonely ever since I got here and it's nice to have someone to talk to again.

I'm actually glad me and Nora made up because now I can ask her to teach how to read.



"Can you teach me how to read" I said as we were relaxing in our quiet place one afternoon. Nora who was laying down suddenly sat up and give me a puzzled look

"But Lora how can you not know how to read"

"Um it's not like I don't know how to I'm just not good at it"

"But mother and father always said you did better than me in the lessons"

"They just said that to make you feel bad" I'm sorry mother and father I'm gonna use you just so Nora can teach me how to read plus it's not like I'm lying in the anime Nora was smarter than Lora Soo technically it's not completely a lie.

"Okay I will teach you how to read"

"Really thanks Nora you don't know how much this means to me" I hugged and gave her a quick peck on the cheek she blushed

"Your welcome


With Nora teaching how to read I've been doing better in my classes which is good because in noble society you have to pass an exam to get you into the magic academy , you also have to have enough points from small tests that tutors are required to give their students while homeschooling them the results will be submitted to the school .

But if all this things are required to get into the school how did the protagonist get in being a commoner and all you ask well through the ahem back door ahem, so how is this possible well all you have to do is get recommended by one of the top teachers in the school but this method is only done for students who didn't pass the exam or don't have enough points to enter the school so this is seen as another form disgrace to nobles besides no parent wants to be told their child isn't smart.

So you see why I'm glad Nora is teaching me how to read cause I can't afford to fall behind I'm gonna do everything I can to get into this school Rayel magic academy .



I'm currently sitting with my father he just told me that me and my sister were invited by the second princess for a royal tea party.

I don't really care about the tea party but the person who invited us for the party is one of the members of the harem second princess Rosaline and as I said earlier I don't want anything to do with the members of the harem the further I am away from them the better Nora too

"I don't want to go" I said sharply

"What" my father was giving me a bombastic side eye "do you know how much of a great opportunity this is for you ,you can make connections to the royal family if you play your cards right" .

"Still I don't want to go"

"Sister" Nora whispered to me holding my hand under the table "don't father will get angry"

"You should listen to your sister and father they are only speaking for what is best of our family' mom said seeming uninterested in what is happening "the only way to maintain the status of our family is to be in a favourable position with the royal family"

Ugh this is what I always hated about rich people they always cared too much about how others saw them

"I won't go" but I'm standing my ground because personally I don't care

My father dropped his fork on the table and stood up "you will go that party young lady and That's final" he said giving a very cold stare and left

Hmph asshole

Only Cares about his reputation

But I guess I can't fight this I should just go to the party I will just avoid the princess and hope I don't see any other members of the harem there


We were on our way to the tea party
Dad was giving us the dos and don'ts father told Nora not to speak and just follow me around as I make connections.

We arrived at the Royal palace and the carriage dropped us up front where the other carriages where, I'm not gonna lie the palace is beautiful I mean I have seen it in the anime but there's something about seeing it in real life it gives a completely different experience we got down and two maids were already waiting for us one of the maids ushered me and Nora to follow her and the other one escorted my dad to a different room which I was grateful for at least I won't have to see him.

The maid brought us to the garden where apparently the tea party was being held the were a lot of people there which was good at least with all this people we may not even run Into the princess , I grabbed Nora and pulled her to the food table to get something to eat.

"Lora ain't we going to socialize with the other nobles first before we start eating" she said giving a concerned look

I took a bite out of the cupcake hmm strawberry "I don't plan on socializing" I took another bite

Nora looked at me confused ,"but father said......"

"I know what father said but I don't care" I took another bite maybe I should take this home with me "look Nora it's Time we start making our own decisions besides nobody likes being cuddled up to just because you want something from them people aren't stupid"

She sighed "but the other nobles are socializing"

I used my pinky finger to clean the side of my cheek "I know but we aren't like other noble kids we are independent and all we need is ourselves and no one else not even mother and father besides let's protect the small dignity we have let's not destroy it by throwing ourselves at people"

Nora blushed " sister your very smart"

"Of course I am now here" I handed her one of the cupcakes "try it's good"

She blushed again and took it she smiled "thank you" and took a bite out of it "ah it's good"

"I'm glad you like it now we have to look for a quiet place to sit"

"Sister wait before that I have to go to the ladies room"

"Okay do you know where it is"

She shook her head

"No but I can have a maid show it to me"

"Okay then go I will be waiting right here be quick "

I stood there and watched Nora Walk up to one of the maids whispering something to her and the maid gestured for her to follow

Ha guess I will be here awhile man I wish I brought a bag or something so I can carry some of this cupcakes their really good oh well I will just have to eat as much as I can before we leave.

Hope you enjoyed
You know one day I'm gonna look back at this story and cringe .
Bye see you in the next chapter 😘

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