chapter 11

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Our carriage dropped Nora, our maids and I Infront of the academy building, we stood there just taking in the sight of it because it was magnificent, it is very big and honestly I have already seen myself getting lost here. After like 5mins our maids started taking our things to dorm and we followed, it turns out that everyone here got their own room so no roommate which means I and Nora had to stay apart which would be kinda difficult because I've gotten used to sleeping with her next to me. I got to the hallway of rooms and started checking each door to find the one that was my dorm , my room was at the very end of the hallway right next to a very fancy looking door, I opened the door and the maid that followed me started dropping everything inside, the room had a decent size with a wardrobe and the bed next to it with a decent amount of space between both of them there was also a reading table  and a mini bookshelf on the top and at far corner of the room their was a table with a mirror on it leaning against the wall, I suppose this is where your supposed to drop all your cosmetics. I left the room so the maid can do her job without me getting in the way, but before I left she did ask me how I wanted my room to look and I replied simple I don't need some over the top decorations.

I left the room and was thinking of whether I should find out which room Nora is in or just go get my uniform when someone hugged me  from behind and kissed my neck .

"What the" i slapped a hand over my neck and turned around to see who it was and lo and behold it was rose, she stood there smiling at me.

"Looks like we are neighbors" she said pointing at the fancy door next to my room,  oooooh so that was her room no wonder it's so fancy.

"Yeah looks like it ,ok well I should just be glad that at it's someone I know "

"Do you want to go by the registration office to get your class schedule"

"No I have to look for Nora first then we have to go to the matron to get our unform , then after that's when we will go get our class schedule" .

"Wow that's a lot of things to get done"

I sighed that is a lot of things to do but it's nothing I hadn't done before because one if not for the maid I would have added unpacking to the list of things to do, well because they didn't have maids in college and yes my college had official uniforms you had to go to the faculty to collect .

Rose offered to go with me to find Nora so we can do all the things I mentioned together I was really glad rose was coming along. I had decided two years ago to help her escape the harems since we became good friends, I don't want her to suffer the cruel fate if being in love with the protagonist .

We found Nora in the third hallway, but when we got there it was like she was in an argument with some girl who looked slightly familiar.

"Nora" I called out to her as I approached but I noticed that the girl she was talking to froze up and started shaking, I was confused , but then I remembered I was walking next rose I mean who wouldn't freeze up when you run into the princess.

"Nora is anything the matter" I asked Nora looked perplexed

"No it's nothing I will tell you later" she then turned to the girl who was still frozen and did a quick cutesy , grabbed me and started walking away .

After we had reached ,out of earshot of the girl I asked Nora who the girl was again

"Don't you remember sister, she's lady Katherine"

"Who ???"

Rose giggled.

"SISTER she's the duke's daughter you know the one who you were supposed to apologize to but you and dad just forgot"

"Ohhhhh that's who she is , hey we didn't forget, she was the one who refused to see us."

Rose was almost laughing at this point

"Well she is still angry about it cause she confronted me about it immediately she saw me and I had to apologize for you and dad "

I elbowed Nora and laughed "well thanks for representing the family".

Nora sighed

We got to the matron office and surprisingly it wasn't that busy, we got our uniforms and went into the dressing room to try it on and let me just say..........

"I can't wear this"

"Why" rose asked while twirling around In hers and I could see her panties nice shade of pink by the way. Anyway that's not the point, have you ever wondered what it would be like to wear those very short anime girls skirt,well let me tell you from first hand experience it is very uncomfortable. You can't move freely because it's too short , the slightest breeze could pass by and reveal your underwear and I'm not ready for that please .

"There's no way I can wear this"

"I don't know what you mean, I think they are cute besides" rose came closer to right at my face "I think they bring out your legs nicely".

You know in normal circumstances I would be quite flustered but right now the way she said that made me kinda uncomfortable cause I Know she is flirting, what did you think I didn't notice I did but I'm just gonna ignore it for now.

"Okay no matter how nicely they bring out my legs I'm still not wearing them".

Rose sighed "okay fine we can go to the matron and ask for a change of uniforms, what about you Nora".

Oh right, you know I kinda forgot Nora was still here some kind of sister I am right .

"No I like my uniform" Nora said trying not look uncomfortable but I can tell she was it must be awkward to just stand there and watch someone flirt with your sister.

We went back to the matron and asked her if she had any extra because I didn't like mine it was too short and I wanted a longer one , but instead of giving me a longer skirt like I asked for she just shrugged and  gave me a pair of pants  I looked at her confused and she said those where the only things that were longer than the skirt, so either I wear the skirt or I stick to the pants. I accepted my fate I mean I rather wear pants than those skirts that I can't even walk fast in.

After that we got our class schedules, I found out that rose and I had all the same classes but Nora had to take sword class when we had magic class which was kinda sad but it was alright .

We spent the rest of the day exploring the school grounds it was fun, we got chat about how awesome school would be, rose and Nora couldn't wait to graduate so that they can join the knight order and royal mages , while I on the other hand didn't even have a plan for after I graduated. My main focus is the protagonist if I can survive him then I will  think about what I will do after graduation, honestly what I want if I should start thinking about it is an easy and simple life no royal knights or mages squad stuff.

But let's survive the anime plot first .

So I hope you enjoyed this chapter honestly this chapter was a little longer than my normal chapters, reason  cause I really wanted to write them settling into the school in one chapter sooo I regret nothing .

See you in the next chapter 😘😘😘.

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