chapter 15

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Hi it's loading -San here and I know you all must be like loading San I thought you died but no I didn't I've just been busy with other things aka my life that I will pretend I have, anyway I want thank you all again for reading this story I still don't know how you do it because it's kinda trashy.

Anyway on with the story.

Lora pov

I know I sounded confident earlier when I told rose I would show her what I knew but something in me is telling me what I'm doing is wrong.i haven't given rose a proper answer for her confession and right now I feel like I'm taking advantage of her feelings.

I broke the kiss "rose wait" I said softly pushing her away

"What's wrong" rose asked giving me a confused expression.

"I.....we can't do this"

Rose looked down sad " not find me attractive anymore".

"Nonononono I find you super attractive right now it's taking all my will power to not continue it's just" I took a deep breath "I haven't given you a proper answer to your confession yet so doing this with you without establishing what our relationship is seems like taking advantage of your feelings for me I'm sorry" .

Rose stayed quiet for a little and then sighed "lora you are a very considerate person thank you".

She slides towards the end of the bed and turned back giving me a smile "well see you tomorrow I'm going back to my room".

I reached out and pulled her back down to the bed before she could fully stand up .

"Your not angry with me are you?"

"No I'm not angry with you I just want to go back to my room and sleep".

I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding before "okay if that's so why don't you just sleep in my room Tonight".

Rose's face instantly went red "are you sure".

"Yes I'm sure" I said laying her down next to me

"Shouldn't we at least take off our clothes" she said turning to directly face me k in

I yawned "we will do that in the morning for now let's sleep" I closed my eyes but I could hear rose giggle and adjust herself to be closer to me.

All in all today was a good day and tomorrow I can start preparing for that class activity we have next week .

Rose pov

I woke up as I felt little rays of sunlight hit my eyes from Lora's open window, I tried to sit up but I could feel something holding me down I looked and saw that Lora has been using me as a body pillow . She looked so cute when she is sleeping , yesterday was fun and not to sound like a jealous girlfriend or anything like that but I'm glad she didn't mention Nora once , I don't know why she is so against Nora being friends with that commoner does she have some sort of discrimination against that doesn't sound like Lora at all.

Speaking of which we have that class activity coming up next week I need to practice for that , I wonder if Lora would like to train together she seems to be growing at a fast pace I mean yesterday she used a teleportation spell which is a pretty advanced spell that's very impressive and I know training together would help me improve.


I turned to see lora turning clear signs that she was about to wake up, she slowly opened her eyes after turning a bit more

"Good morning"

She said in a quite sleepy tone "how was your night" she asked snuggling closer to me even more.


I used one of my hand to stroke the side of her face and she leaned into the touch

So cute


She said snapping me out of my little fantasy

"Do you wanna train with me today" she leaned closer "but it's okay if you don't want to I mean, if it's okay with you I would like us to train together".

I was shocked and also happy , I was already planning on asking her but then she turned the tables on me and asked me first.

"Yes I would love that" I said smiling at her

She smiled back much brighter "really great" she seemed so happy.

Honestly me too imagine us training together


And maybe during the training things would get heated and I will have her pinned under me or she would have me pinned under her either will
still be exciting I'm glad it will just be us.

"We can also invite Nora so the three of us will train together just like old times" Lora said


"What do say" Lora asked looking at me gleefully and it's hard to say no to a face like that.


"Great then" she said as she sat up "let's get ready to head out".


I sighed well there goes my hot and steaming plans honestly I should have seen this coming.

Bye see you in the next chapter 😘😘

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