chapter 9

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After the birthday party I was invited to royal palace by the princess, and it's not like one can turn down an Invitation from the princess so I went.

Wow her highness sure is late I've been here for more than an hour if she knew she didn't have time to see me today she could have rescheduled it to another day. I was grumbling and about to tell the maid in the room that she should tell the princess when she comes back that I  left and that I will come back another time , when Damian came running into the room.

"Damian" I'm confused what was he doing here, just as I was about to ask him that Roseline came running and crashed into Damian and both of them fell down .

The room was filled with an awkward silence as both Damian and Roseline stood up and started adjusting their clothes, if it was just Damian there I would have laughed because he laughed at me when I fell but I can't laugh at Roseline who knows what will happen if I do .

"Lady Lora it's been awhile" the princess said as she sat next to me a little too close for comfort.

"Yes it has" I scooted a little bit but she didn't get the hint because she just closed the space.

"Sorry I couldn't come to your birthday I was busy" she looked down sad "but I bought you a birthday present, infact that's why I invited you here".

Really she bought a present for me but we are not that close, but it's not like I can reject it she's the princess, anyway what's Damian doing here?.

The princess called her maid and whispered something into her ear and she left the room, Roseline then turned her attention back to me, she came close to my face almost as if she wanted to kiss me. um sister ever heard of personal space.

"So I was wondering if you would like to become friends with me" she said smiling

"Um sure" she is too close this is awkward .

"Stop it rose you are making Lora uncomfortable" Damian said giving Roseline a firm look, Lora what happened to lady Lora. Rose pulled back from my face turn towards Damian looking annoyed .

"What are you still doing here potato shouldn't you be going home now".

"No I can't leave my father is still discussing things with the your father so I can't leave until their done".

Roseline sighed rubbing both sides of her head "okay then just go somewhere else and stop interrupting us".

They bickered for a good 20mins and I was getting tired , I just want to go home is it too much to ask.

I was about to interrupt them when the maid that left earlier came back with a mountain of gifts what the Roseline smiled and stood up.

"So Lora this is for you" she gestured at the cart full of gifts

I was surprised "all this for me I can't possibly take all this". wtf I can't take all this  stuff,  if I take all this stuff it will create a bond of friend ship that i obviously don't want.

I tried refusing again but then Roseline hit me with the I order you to take the gifts as your princess, an abuse of power if you ask me but I had no choice and accepted the gift.

Me Damian and rose who told me to stop calling her your highness or Roseline, I should call her rose and she would call me Lora from now at least she asked unlike Damian who just decided it was okay to just call me lora.

The truth was that I had a decent time with Damian and rose mostly because of their bickering which was interesting to watch I asked rose if I could bring Nora next Time I came and she agreed. I got home later that evening and dad was being extra nice to me and I knew why, he must have seen the gifts from the princess. but I'm gonna use this opportunity to ask dad for a favor .

During dinner I told dad that it was best if we get a swordsman teacher for Nora to improve her physical strength and combat skills since she doesn't have much mana, dad seemed to like my idea, I also told dad that I would like to learn about magic and hand to hand combat just in case my magic is unavailable. Dad said that he would be the one to teach both me and Nora magic , I mean he's the head mage so it can't get better than him right.

I went to Nora's room after dinner which I should start calling our room at this point because I sleep there almost all the time. After my discussion with dad had ended with him agreeing to find Nora a swordsman who is also well versed in hand to hand combat to teach us I realized that I didn't even ask Nora for her opinion so I was going to talk to her before bed.

After brushing our teeth and getting ready for bed I sat Nora down on her bed and asked her if she had any opinions for what me and dad discussed during dinner to which she smiled and said no, I assured her that it was okay, if she had something to say she should and I wouldn't be angry. She took my hand and started crying and thanking me at the same time. I was confused, had I said something bad and didn't realize it. I started apologizing but she stopped me and said this were tears of joy, she explained to me that she had felt useless because of her small amount of mana but here I was thinking of ways to improve her skills so that she may be more useful in combat, that she hadn't even thought about learning to use weapons or swords to bust her fighting abilities but I was thinking about her which made her happy. I smiled I used my thumb from my free hand to wipe her tears and I promised her that no matter what I will always have her best interest in mind , I also advised her to voice her opinion when ever me and father were talking especially if it involves her she agreed and we went to sleep that night happy and satisfied.

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter and see you in the next whenever that is😘😘.

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