chapter 1

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Hey you yes you,
What you are reading right now is an Isekai and I know what you must be thinking oh I'm sure is one of those isekai where you reincarnate as a mob character or villainess but after your reincarnated you suddenly become the main character and all the boys are in love with you for some reason .

But no!

You'd be wrong because that's not my story ,my story is about a girl who just trying to keep herself and her twin sister alive.

Ever heard of harems yes harems,you know in harems their certain positions that all the girls have like for example the big boob girl that is clumsy and an airhead and also trips every five seconds to show her panties you know the fan servicer ,than the tusndere , the serious one, the 10,000 year old Loli ,
The one who likes making fun of the protagonist and is usually a badass, the one who deserves better that is always nice and supportive to the protagonist and the twins .

And guess what role I have yes I have the twin role (pretty obvious) . Now me and my twin sister are the daughters of the head mage of the kingdom .

You know it wouldn't have been if I was just part of the harem like it's non of my business and all I would have done is avoid any love flags or moments with the protagonist that would associate me with the harem which was do able . But that's not the kind of anime I reincarnated into, I reincarnated into an anime where some of the harem girls die yes I said die,I mean which kind of stroke of bad luck is that,of all the animes I just had to reincarnate into the one where the harem girls die which rarely happens in harem animes.

You must be wondering what does any of this have to do with me .....well that's because I and my sister are the ones dying , you see in the anime "secret demonic mage" it's about a commoner boy who has magic when commoners are not supposed to have magic you know topical anime harem protagonist shit and because his the protagonist he will be the  strongest and will be able to use all types of magic very convenient right.

Anyway what was I talking about oh right what lead to our deaths, you see  In the anime because me and my sister are part of the harem we join the protagonist in his fights and adventures so during one of the fights with one of the overlords of the demon king yes their is a demon king it's a fantasy anime what did you expect anyway during that fight my sister sacrifices herself to save him which pushes me eh I mean the character I reincarnated into to get revenge against the demon king .so at  the end of the series during the final battle I cast my ultimate spell that is supposed to kill the demon king but in return it will drain my life force.

Notice how I said "supposed to", because I'm not the main character my ultimate spell doesn't do shit, so not only do I die but I died without accomplishing anything because the the only thing I manage to achieve before going out like a pussy is leave a cut on his arm.

(Deep breath)

That is embarrassing that's even more embarrassing than how the original me died.

Wanna hear a fun little story of how I died in my previous life. Well you see in my previous life I was an otaku but despite that I was also a genius I skipped six grades in my entire school year because my IQ was too advanced for them and I got a nice job as an inventor and also a micro biologist. I liked reading which was what lead me to manga that lead to anime. How did I have time for anime with my very tasking jobs you ask well I didn't really sleep much, anyway you would think with all this high IQ I would have at least died in a sensible or even genre manner infact even getting smashed by truck kun would have been better but no I had to go out in way that too embarrassing to even tell God . You see I'm the kind of otaku that like doing imaginary edits cringe I know ,so on this fateful day i was doing my imaginary edits pretending to be a girl who committed suicide in front of her lover, so in other to make edit more realistic I grabbed my kitchen knife stood in front of my mirror turned my blade on the dull side I wasn't planning on slicing it too hard but just to be safe, so as I continued to act out my edit embarrassing myself Infront of a mirror I got way too invested and turned my knife again forgetting I had  turned it before and slit my throat while fake crying only for me to feel a sharp pain on my neck I looked at the mirror to realize that I had cut the vein that supplies blood to my brain I lost consciousness and died embarrassing right,so now I'm here in this anime world about to die another embarrassing death and I can't let that happen when I die in this world I want to go out in a glorious fashion and to make that happen I'm going to have solve my problem from the root by stopping by twin sister from falling In love with the bland protagonist.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter .

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