Chapter 4

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The dorms were gorgeous. Although it's easy to see anything as gorgeous when your only comparison is a shit-heap. The walls were white, with gold-painted decorations and ornaments. The bed was white with strawberry gold pillows. They were soothingly soft. (F/N) tested that, she threw herself at the bed, her (H/C) locks spreading across the pillow. She gently closed her eyes and relaxed, she hadn't felt a bed this soft since... ever! Levi stood back and admired the sleeping girl, her leg elegantly sprawled on the covers, her cute socks showing. She had removed her jacket and shoes when she came in, so Levi couldn't help but notice her curvaceous figure. 'She really is beautiful...' he thought to himself before mentally and physically slapping himself. (F/N)'s eyes opened and a warm, gentle smile appeared on her features.
"You alright there captain?" she asked teasingly, un relaxing herself. He sat down on the edge of the bed, his back to her.
"Yeah." He stated, his bored tone returning.
"Right," There was a few moment of silence before (F/N) spoke again.
"This dorm really is amazing, it's way better than my place," she sighed, lying back on the bed, this time on her back, with her hands behind her head.
"Your place is right next door right?" She asked, turning her head slightly to see his broad, muscular back.
"Yeah," he replied, keeping his gaze ahead of him and away from (Y/N).
"Ah..." she sighed "How sound proof are the walls?" She asked with a smirk. To this he turned his head to the side slightly, seeing her in the corner of his eye.
"They're alright, why? Planning on having some 'guests' over?" he asked with an evil smirk. She chuckled.
"And what if I am?" she asked with a smirk "but no, I just like listening to music, relatively loudly..."

(F/N) was still a virgin, and didn't expect to lose her V-card for a long time. She wasn't in love, and she doubted she ever would be. In fact, she was pretty convinced she was going to die single, with her virginity still innocently kept. She had too much baggage to love or to be loved. She was blushing slightly. Levi's smirk subsequently grew.
"Want to see my room?" he asked, breaking the second silence. (F/N) snapped out of her trance and nodded.
"Sure, I'd love to see how the one-and-only Captain Levi keeps his home," she said, snarkily. He shot her a glare and stood up.
"Come on then (L/N), before I change my mind," he snapped rudely.

What an ass...

They grabbed their jackets and slipped on her shoes before walking out the door, (F/N) locking it behind her and shoving the keys in her jacket pocket. They walked about five meters to the right and came to another door, identical to (F/N)'s but with a 45 instead of 46 and a small sigh saying 'Captain Levi Ackerman' below the number.
"Ohh! Can I have a sign?" She asked with excitement.
"Tsk, if you get promoted, you don't even have a rank," he spat. She sighed.
"It'd be cool to just have one saying '(F/N) (L/N)' even without a rank," she beamed, lifting her hands up and gesturing to Levi's sign.
"Whatever," he made another 'tsk' sound and swiftly opened the door, before she could enter he stopped her.
"Wait out here for a moment," he ran inside, leaving the door open ajar. (F/N) heard muffled noises of furniture being moved and a door closing, followed by footsteps heading towards her again.
"Alright, you can come in now..." he said, almost ordering her. She forced a smile through her confusion and stepped inside, a familiar smell assaulting her nose once again.
"Fucking hell..." she murmured, trying to adjusted to the eye-watering stench of a mass concoction of various cleaning chemicals. Once the water faded from her eyes, her eyes were met with sparkling... everything. The room was completely spotless. The room was exactly the same as her's layout wise; all the same furniture, just a hell of a lot cleaner. Not that her room wasn't clean, Levi's room was just beyond clean. Another difference, was an extra door. Unlike the other doors in the room, this one was closed, and a dark brown, while all the others were the same white as the walls.
(F/N) curiously stepped towards the door and reached for the handle. This was most likely the door she heard close earlier. 'What could he be hiding?'
"What's in h-" before she could finish, her hand was slapped away and Levi was standing defensively against the door, blocking her path.
"Do you have no self restraint? Don't just go snooping around people's cupboards without their permission!" He yelled. She shrunk backwards, confused slightly at his reaction.
"S-sorry captain... I was too curious for my own good, my apologies," She bowed her head respectfully, asking for his forgiveness. He let out a single 'tsk' and petted her head.
"Whatever (L/N), I'll show you this room when you gain my trust a bit more," He told her, holding her body up straight from her shoulders and looked into her eyes. They were the exact same height. They both smiled at eachother, (F/N)'s (E/C) eyes sparkling. She couldn't help but notice Levi's pupils dilating supstansually. She stepped away, averting her gaze and nervously pushing her (H/C) bangs behind her ear.
"I-I should probably get back to work..." she decided, as she swiftly strides towards the door. She felt a warm hand grab her wrist. She turned to see her captain, his hand wrapped around her wrist.
"Captain?"she managed, the blush on her cheeks growing gradually with each second. His eyes widened. He hadn't even meant to grab her wrist, he did it without even thinking. He quickly let go, thinking of an excuse.
"I-I didn't dismiss you!" He said, unnecessarily loudly. She turned her body to properly face him.
"Alright then..." She sighed, crossing her arms impatiently.
"Tsk, you're dismissed," he hissed. She sashayed out.
"See you later,"she looked up from the ground to meet his cobalt gaze. "Partner," The word rolled rhythmically off her tongue, causing a faint red hue to appear on Levi's pale cheeks. She left, leaving Levi alone with his thoughts. He lay down on his bed, a multitude of thoughts whizzing around his head.

I'm a fighter, not a lover (Levi x Reader) MODERN AU FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now