Chapter 16

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Levi was having to physically restrain (Y/N) and had to drag her literally kicking and screaming away from the monitor and into his office, as his room was sound proof and he was 97% sure that (Y/N) would be testing the strength of the walls by smashing against them with her body, or throwing chairs at them.

Once he reached his office, he let go of his very tight grip he had on (Y/N) and let her free into the room. She immediately turned to face him, her eyes burning with anger.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" She yelled angrily, he hands clenched into tight fists, ready to strike at a moments notice.

"We need to find her, we need to save her! That dirty, cock-sucking, personified abortion is going to put her through a world of pain that I need to save her from!" she continued to protest, but Levi kept himself in between her and the door. Despite (Y/N) being incredibly strong for her size and gender, Levi was still much stronger and didn't struggle too much to keep her from escaping.

"(L/N), you haven't slept for days, and you're too emotionally involved in this case, you're going to do something stupid and get yourself or one of your colleagues in a shit tonne of trouble, so you are going to stay here until you've recovered!" He ordered, sternly. This made (Y/N) fume with rage.

"But... I have to-"

"You don't have to do anything except get healthy again, as we speak, Jean is making you a healthy breakfast, I will make you lunch and dinner, and in between you will catch up on sleep," he informed her.

"And that's an order!" (Y/N) was frozen to the spot, she'd never heard Levi give her such stern orders before, he'd always had a soft spot for her, and she was mildly aware of it. But due to this, he'd never been exceptionally harsh on her. Maybe because she was very obedient when it came to her work, but so were others and they still receive severe streams of insults and complaints from the captain.

The thoughts flew around her head, rendering her speechless as she starred dumbstruck at Levi, she found herself being gently guided onto a soft sofa that sent a wave of tiredness through her body.

"Get some rest (Y/N), I want my best officer back on the field soon," he said in a low, gentle voice, causing a subtle smile to spread across (Y/N)'s lips. She unconsciously lay down on the sofa and her eyelids fell heavily. She felt a pair of soft, warm lips lightly kissing her forehead before sleep dragged her into an unconscious state of nightmares.


(Y/N) was awoken by a delicious smell, beckoning her. She opened her eyes and proceeded to slowly sit up, propping herself up against the back of the sofa. She was greeted by Levi cooking in the corner. It was the second time she'd seen the blissful sight today, the first time being at lunch time. He was wearing a light grey dress shirt with his sleeves rolled up to his elbows and black jeans with the addition of his signature, white cravat which he wore so perfectly. Over the top of it all, he had a plain white apron which was neatly tide against his back, resting comfortably above the curve of his ass. He juggled various utensils and ingredients around the surface, landing them brilliantly in their designated positions. He glanced in her direction, causing her to blush slightly, as he caught her staring. He gave her a small, almost unnoticeable smirk before turning back to his work.

"Glad your up, waking you in really hard," he teases. Last time he tried to wake (Y/N), she instinctively grabbed his arm, bent it behind him and pinned him to the ground. They laughed about it after, but Levi would have been lying if he had said it didn't make him jump a little.

(Y/N) chuckled at the jab and stood to walk over to him.

"What's on the menu this evening?" she asked, resting her chin on his shoulder tiredly. Levi's body went slightly tense at her sudden closeness.

I'm a fighter, not a lover (Levi x Reader) MODERN AU FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now