Chapter 9

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(Y/N) sat herself down beside Levi, her cheeks a light red hue. She refused to look at him, every time she did, the memory of their kiss came to her mind, and it made her wince in embarrassment. She was mortified, frozen to the spot. She felt traumatized. She couldn't believe it had happened, and with Levi too. She sat soaking in the cruel laughter of the voices in her head. She wanted to curl up into a ball and die quickly. But she couldn't, she was stuck on the grass, with the man she was falling for.

Despite her feeling of unimaginable embarrassment, Levi was just looking at her, never breaking his steel gaze. He couldn't help but admire her smooth skin in the moonlight. It really was breath taking. But it cowered in comparison to her gorgeous (E/C) eyes. He could easily stare at them for hours, he's seen (E/C) eyes before, they weren't a rarity for him, but (Y/N)'s are special. They have a special glisten in them that Levi had never seen before and was completely in love with. Once (Y/N) had finally worked up the courage, she met Levi's cobalt gaze. And at that moment, all her worries were gone. She didn't care about the satsujin gang. She even forgot about her sister for a moment. When her eyes met his, she felt pure relaxation, more than she even had in her whole life and she loved it.

She snapped out of the trance he had her in and looked away again.
"So, what are you doing out here?" she asked as casually as she could. Levi smirked and looked up at the starry night.
"I just like looking at the stars, I know it sounds cheesy, but it always calms me during stressful cases like this one," he admits, causing (Y/N) to follow his gaze to the night sky.
Matte charcoal black uncontrollably covered in thousands and millions of bright specks. (Y/N) loved that she could see star, after star, after star, a never ending void of light that projects no means of guidance in her eyes. The complicated configurations and patterns of light which have taken years to be seen by the average naked eye. She nodded, a smile unconsciously forming on her features.
"It really is beautiful..." she hummed in wonder. She could never see the stars from Stocks Hill before, there was always too much cigarette smoke and smog in the air. But here, in the yard of the police station, galaxies where laid out above her, begging to be looked upon and admired. (Y/N) lay down on the soft grass, allowing her hair to sprawl out elegantly below her head. She held her hand up to the sky. The black before them had a velvet quality, like the air had been thickened somehow, and it was breath taking. Levi smirked he he lay beside her.
"You know what makes skies like this look better?" he asked, exhaling happily. (Y/N) turned her head to face him.
"Spending them with beautiful people like you, (Y/N)..." he hummed, taking her hand. This really sent (Y/N) over the edge, her cheeks were flaming at his touch. She wasn't complaining though. His hand was soft, considering how rough you would presume a police captain's would be. His warm fingers intertwined with (Y/N)'s causing her to unconsciously follow suit and hold his hand properly. Once the initial feeling of embarrassment faded, (Y/N) felt a wave of happiness serge over her. She rolled over towards Levi and snuggle up against his shoulder, moving their intertwines hands to the floor. She comfortably lay, inhaling his smell and enjoying his company. But then the question she'd been dying to ask escaped her lips.
"Why did you kiss me?" she asked suddenly, causing Levi to turn his head to see her (E/C) eyes beaming up at him, eager for an answer. He thought for a moment before looking back up at the sky.
"Because it felt right..." he replied with a small smile.
"I apologise if it made you uncomfortable, but as a police officer, I'm very good at following my instincts," he says monotonously. (Y/N) rolled back over onto her back suddenly and pulled her hand away, laying it on her chest.
"I can't do this Levi..." she murmured. "I can't have my feelings distracting me!" she sat up and looked at him.

*Levi's POV*

I could see very clearly that she was having a battle with herself right in front of me, and I had no clue which side was winning. Her heart or her brain. She was flinching occasionally, as if she was going to stand up but something was holding her back. It was painful to watch, a girl like her shouldn't be so troubled, she shouldn't have to worry about her feeling distracting her. She should be happy. And more than anything I want her to be happy. I reached out my hand for her's again and to my surprise, she didn't pull her hand away, she just continued to stare into her own abyss of emotions, choices and responsibilities.
"(Y/N)..." I began, hesitantly.
"I really am sorry... it was incredibly unprofessional of me to kiss you, I won't do it again if you don't want me to... I'm so-" and before I could apologise again, I felt a familiar pair of soft lips against my own. She was kissing me again. Why was she kissing me again? But before I could wrap my arms around her waist, she had pulled away. A look of regret mixed with confusion plastered across her face.
"I... I..." she stuttered. "I have to go!" she cried, before standing up and bolting for her dorm room and slamming the door behind her. I was left sitting on the grass, my lips still puckered, looking like a bit of an idiot.
I will make you fall in love with me (F/N) (L/N), even if I die trying...

I'm a fighter, not a lover (Levi x Reader) MODERN AU FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now