Chapter 10

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I woke up to the bright sun light hitting my weak eyes. I turned away, refusing to wake up, making groaning sounds in protest to rousing. My eyes reluctantly opened to see my sleeping sister next to me, fortunately she was still asleep, so I was careful not wake her. I smiled slightly and moped out of bed, feeling exceptionally groggy. I trudged to the bathroom to have a quick shower and apply a little makeup to cover up my unnecessarily dark bag under my tired eyes. I left my room and headed for the kitchen to whip up some breakfast for Eve and I. When I arrived, I couldn't help but notice Mikasa and Eren sucking face in the corner. 'Really? At this time?!' I thought to myself. I rolled my eyes and walked to the fridge. I think the sound of the fridge attracted the couple's attention, because I heard their lips smack apart.
"Morning lovebirds, bit early isn't it?" I asked, not looking at them and smirking to myself. I could tell Mikasa was blushing slightly and I imagine Eren was a little too.
"M-morning (Y/N), how are you?" Eren asked, trying to change the subject, and not very subtly at that. I smiled as I pulled a carton of eggs and four pieces of bacon. I turned to face them, seeing them now awkwardly sitting next to each other, their hands on their laps, trying to act all innocent, causing me to giggle slightly.
"I'm fine, just about to make breakfast for my sister and I, what about you two? You seem pretty lively for this hour," I teased, putting my ingredients down and grabbing a frying pan and oil. This time I could see the couple blush causing my smirk to widen.
"We're fine," Mikasa briskly responded.
"Got any plans for the weekend?" I asked. It was now Sunday, so everyone was off work, but some people had to stay on site in case something bad happened. Eren nodded
"Mikasa and I were planning on checking out the new park they've been building for ages," I turned to face him, slightly confused.
"How the hell do you build a park?" I asked. Eren shrugged
"I don't know, but they did," He turned to Mikasa.
"How do you build a park sweetie?" he asked in a soft tone. Mikasa nodded bluntly.
"It's a man made park, so they'd just bring in grown trees from elsewhere and replant them, same with flowers and grass. Then they'd lay paths and dig holes for ponds," she stated, "It's quite simple really..." she added, blowing her fringe, trying to get it off her face and failing. Eren and I both nodded in understanding.
"Sounds simple enough, it's taken them bloody ages though!" I complained. They'd been building for nearly three years now. Admittedly it was a pretty big park, but still, three years? I poured some cooking oil in my pan and turned on the stove, placing the pan on top of it.
"So Eve's visiting? That's cool, can I come and say 'hi' later?" Eren asked excitedly. Eren and Eve had a kind of weird bond. At first, she really hated him, she said he was too easily frustrated and aggressive, but once she got to know him, she decided he was actually an alright guy, mostly when he's with Mikasa, because if he's mean to her, Mikasa scolds him like a fucking mother. Eren likes Eve, and so do all my colleagues, she's on first name and nickname basis with all of them which is pretty cool, since she probably knows most of my co-workers more than I do, which is kind of weird, and a little scary. But she always enjoys herself when she comes to visit me, even when she's just sitting in the office with me, she always has fun. She's either doodling on some paper next to me, or cheering on some of my work mates. Sometimes she even gets me drinks, which is really awesome. She's like my little monkey butler, but not a monkey.
"Sure, I'm sure she'll be happy to see the two of you, she doesn't know about your engagement yet I don't think, so she'll be elated to hear about it," I beamed, throwing the bacon in the pan, cracking the eggs and pouring them in too. Eren smiles and even Mikasa's lips curl slightly at the thought of Eve's delighted little face.
"Great, we can't wait," Mikasa said, a hint of cheeriness in her rather dull voice. It's no wonder her and Levi are related, they're so similar! My breakfast crackled and cooked in the pan and I soon flipped all the elements over the cook them evenly. I love flipping things in pans, it's so fun and it makes me feel like a proper chef. I opened my mouth to speak, but I was interrupted by the door opening and Sasha and Connie standing in the doorway, looking particularly shaggy.
Connie had his arm wrapped around Sasha's waist, walking her to a couch to sit down. Despite his usual cocky persona, he was being very caring and it brought a small smile to my face. Connie gave us all a smile,
"Morning all," he said in a croaky, morning voice, to which we all responded with "Good morning!".
"How're you feeling Sasha? You're not looking 100% this morning," Eren asked. Sasha shot him a glare, which read "Shut the fuck up," she groaned. Sasha isn't a morning person. Connie gave her a small side glance and she sighed.
"Sorry, I'm fine, nothing to worry about," in her normal, perky voice. Her face quickly snapped to me, her eyes sparkling hungrily.
"(Y/N), that smells delicious!" she chimed.
"Na-uh!" I huffed. "This is for my sister and I" I said in a surprisingly motherly tone. Sasha crossed her arms and pouted. Connie looked up at me.
"Oh cool! Eve's here! Maybe she can teach me more ballet moves," he said with a thumbs up, drawing a small, morning laugh from everyone.

I'm a fighter, not a lover (Levi x Reader) MODERN AU FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now