Chapter 18

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*(Y/N)'s PoV*

In a matter of seconds, the last bit of family I had left in this world had been ripped away from me.

Just like that, she died, my vision blurred, my hearing faded. Barely audible sirens sounded as an ambulance came whizzing down the thin, ugly street. I felt Eve's body be carried away from me as the paramedics began performing CPR, shocking her with a defibrillator. But it was all vain.

She was gone for good.

My body moved by its self back into the house, I saw the figures trying to leave through the back door. But I wouldn't let them go.

My brain was no longer controlling my body, my heart and my instincts were in the driver's seat now, and there was no stopping me.

None of them would make it out alive.

I approached the back man and snapped his neck with a satisfying crack, causing my lips to curl. I pulled my knife from my thigh hilt and trusted it inside the abdomen of the next. I could feel his warm blood spurting over me as I twisted my blade to give him the finishing blow. There were three of them left, and they were cornered.

"Well gentleman, how would you like to die?" I asked, wiping my dagger clean with my top.

They were shaking with fear, how the tables have turned. To go from tormenting me to cowering at my feet in a matter of moments.

"If you don't decide, I'll have to use my imagination," I threatened.

None of them spoke, how could they. I approached the man on the left and swiftly slit his throat, causing more blood to gush over me. The middle man received a blade to the heart, followed by another through his ear.

By this point, I had identified the final man as the leader.

He was trembling like an animal before it is slaughtered, and so he should be. In this situation, I had all the power. Currently, he had no weapon, and I had a knife that I've already killed three men with.

"So, care to reveal yourself before I kill you?" I suggested, twirling the weapon around carelessly.

"Look, (Y/N), surely you wouldn't kill..." he removed his mask, causing me to stumble back.

".. your own father?" he begged, looking at me with those piercing (E/C) eyes.

"D-dad?" I asked, completely shocked. Until my rage boiled up even further within me. I lurched at him, crashing his head against the wall with my knife at his throat.

"You disgusting excuse for a human being, you killed your own daughter! How dare you try and guilt me into sparing such a waste of a life," I growled, pushing the knife slightly into him, causing his skin to be pierced, and a thin trail of blood to drip down his neck.

"(Y/N) please! I didn't mean for it to end like this!" He protested, but I could hear the lying in his voice, I could read the hatred in his eyes. He was a mad man; he didn't deserve to pollute this planet any longer. I heard a loud bang and a sharp pain in my stomach, but I had to finish this.

"This is for Eve..." I murmured and I kicked him hard in the nuts, causing him to fall to the ground.

"This is for all the things you've done to her" I kicked him over and over in the stomach.

"This is for all those days you kept her locked away," I punched him across the jaw, causing some yellow teeth to fly across the floor.

"This is for all those years you traumatized her," I punched him harder in the chest, resulting in him throwing up blood.

I'm a fighter, not a lover (Levi x Reader) MODERN AU FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now