Chapter 6

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AN: I'm just adding in (Y/N) which is 'your name' so I won't use (F/N) so often, as I imagine some people are called by other names that aren't their first names or whatever the reason may be.


(Y/N) woke up in an unfamiliar bed. It was soft, large and warm. She bolted upright, trying to scan her surroundings with her fragile, morning eyes. Where am I? What is this place? Who took me here? Questions darted around her head like a swarm of flies. Then her brain finally clicked, she was in the police dorms, her new home. Her body relaxed and she layed down again. It was the weekend, so there was no need to wake up. Her eyes fluttered shut again, and she managed to sleep for another hour.

Once (Y/N) was awake and showered, she put on her gym clothes and headed for the station's gym. Levi told her as a resident of the site, she was able to use the gym whenever she wanted. She was to take full advantage of this perk. Not living in her old house, in her old street was such a weight off her shoulders, she felt so liberated, she could walk around the campus without needing to keep looking over her shoulder, she could open her windows and be greeted by clean, fresh air, rather than the stench of cigarettes and mould.

Once she arrived at the gym, she flipped her towel over a rail on the side and walked to a mat to start stretching. After about five minutes of this, she moved on to do some weighted sit ups. She grabbed a weight and lay down on one of the mats, her fingers wrapped around the bar between the two weights. She used to find sweating so gross. It was the dark stain under the armpits of old men while they played boules in sun hot enough to drop a cow. Perhaps in her so called maturity she's become obsessed, supposedly part of being an insecure person, but now she can't go three days without running until she's sweatier than all of those grandpa's put together. When her hair is saturated and the salty drops run into her mouth it's a kiss of life. It's the reassurance that she can still run, still lift, still work and still enjoy the body she was born with the for years to come. She kept sitting up and lowering herself over and over.

63, 64, 65...

She kept counting. The sweat she worked for slowly pooling at her hairline and upper lip. It was her sign that she was working hard enough. But she was never satisfied. She had to keep on pushing herself until she felt sick.

81, 82, 83...

She wanted to push herself, for Eve, she wanted her sister to look up to her, admire her. She wanted to be the sister that Eve always told her friends about.

98, 99, 100...

Usually she'd stop there, but not today. Eve was visiting today, she wanted to impress her. She wanted to make her proud.

114, 115, 116...

The sweat droplets began to fall down her face, her top was sticking to her back.

129, 130, 131...

She was still counting aloud when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She glanced up to see an unimpressed Levi.
"Stop!" he ordered monosyllabically. (Y/N) looked up at him in confusion.
"You'll work yourself to death, take a break and drink something!" he told her. As much spite there was in his tone, (Y/N) could detect a touch of concern, it was pretty cute. She nodded slightly and sat up. He held out his hand for hers which she accepted. He quickly pulled her up, causing her to jump and stumble into his chest.

His chest was broad and muscular. He was close, very close. So close (Y/N) couldn't help but be hypnotised by his intoxicating scent, which was strong enough to over power her own smell of hard work. She looked up at Levi, if she wasn't already red from the exercise, she certainly would be now. He wasn't moving away, in fact, he was pulling her closer. He snaked his arm around her slim waist. Her face heated up even more, but she instinctively wrapped her arms around his neck. He tilted his head to the side a fraction and brought his face closer to (Y/N)'s. His warm breath against her skin sent a shiver down her spine. Eventually, she couldn't wait any longer and she closed the distance between their lips and kissed him. It was rough to start with, simply because of the force (Y/N) started the kiss with, but it slowly became gentle and meaningful. Levi moved his arms around her back, feeling her curvaceous figure. Surprisingly, her wet back clearly didn't bother him, if anything, it made him want her more.

I'm a fighter, not a lover (Levi x Reader) MODERN AU FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now