Chapter 15

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*Eve's PoV*

I woke up in a dark, damp room, unable to see anything and my head was throbbing with an aching pain I hoped I would never have to experience again.

"(Y/N)?" I mumbled, unconscious to my actions. I heard something shuffle from what I could only presume was the other side of the room from the echos, but it didn't speak. All I could see was a very faint silhouette being cast. It was standing, presumably against a wall.

"Is someone there?" I asked, my voice weak and tired.

Still no reply from the shadow. I rolled my head to the side, I could feel the cold presence of a shackle around my neck. As I lifted up my hands, I found too more clamped around my wrists and two more on my ankles.

"Where am I?" I murmured, my throat beginning to burn with thirst and hunger. From the dryness in my throat and the itching pain in my stomach, it's been at least five days since I've eaten and roughly two since I've had water.

Suddenly, I saw the shadow move. The being had pushed itself off of the wall and was now standing up-right.

"Hello?" I called, urging the shadow to communicate with me. I felt lost and lonely. I wanted (Y/N) to be here with me.

I know for sure she's working at an inhuman rate to try and find me. But I can't shake this feeling that this is that battle she can't win, the one she'll lose, the one that will break her, completely destroying the person she is, mangling her into the blood-lustful, maniac she's been concealing since the day I was born.

"It's nice to see you again, Eve (L/N)," a demonic, male voice poisoned the room, filling my body with a fear I never wanted to feel. The voice was familiar, but it had been twisted and altered through years of aging and sanity-straining activities. I could hear the madness twitching in his voice, as if at any second, his last ounce of sanity would disappear, he would snap, and kill me. But I couldn't let him see or hear the fear in my voice, that's not what (Y/N) would want, she'd want me to be brave and stay strong. So I did.

"I'm not afraid of you!" I cried, using all my energy to keep my voice from wavering.

"I don't want you to be afraid my dear, in fact, all I can do is apologize that we couldn't keep you in a better facility, but unfortunately, your sister is too smart to hide you in an ordinary holding cell, so you're here, and you'll never be found," He assured me.

"(Y/N) will find me, she's ten times smarter than you could ever hope to be!" I retorted, tugging at my chains in defiance. I heard soft tutting, accompanied by painfully loud footsteps that we growing nearer. I reflexively pushed myself back against the wall, trying to put as much space between myself and my pursuer. I heard a flick and the lights turned on, bright white lights that burned my eyes after being in the darkness for so long. I covered my face in my legs in subtle agony. The voice chuckled. After a few moments, I managed to look up, so see a masked man in front of me. All his featured were covered by the vividly decorated mask he wore.

"My how you've blossomed," he purred as he caressed my jaw line. I slapped his hand away aggressively, despite my restraints, I could just reach my face.

"Get the fuck away from me you dirty pig!" I yelled before spitting all the saliva I could muster at his mask. The man simply cackled manically and wiped away my slobber.

"And you've picked up your sister's feisty attitude, I like it~," He hummed, slamming both his hands on either side of my head. I squirmed, trying to get away, but my chains kept me there, unable to escape. I lifted my knee as quickly as I could, landing a direct blow to his baby-makers. The man quickly recoiled and winced in pain. I let out a small chuckle as I watched the previously terrifying man, writhe on the floor from a twelve year old's attack.

I'm a fighter, not a lover (Levi x Reader) MODERN AU FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now