Raphael Divides Us

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We found some torches and lit them on our way through this place of nightmares. Literall shadows constantly attacking us allong the way.

"You know, I'd kill for some sunlight about now." Astarion sighed.

"Give a vampire one day in the sun and suddenly he becomes greedy." Shadowheart judged.

"You'd be greedy too if you only saw shades of Grey for two centuries." I snapped back at her. "Elves only see in Grey wash when using dark vision."

"That....why that's exactly right." Astarion was impressed.

The ground in front of us created a bright swirling circle. As a devil appeared in the circle, bowing at us as he introduced himself. "Hello traveller's! My name is Raphael." He looked around, "my my, this place is quite....drab. Let's change that." He smiled and snapped his fingers. We were suddenly in a mansion, a large fire roared behind him in a brick fireplace. The table behind us stacked with a feast that would feed an entire town. "There we go! Please, take a seat, enjoy a warm meal."

Astarion went to grab something from the table but i motioned for him not to. "Hold on, what's going on? Why have you brought us here?" I glared at him.

"Because, I can help you with your parasites." He smiled charmingly.

"And what's your price?" Lay'zel stepped beside me. Images flooded my mind from the past making me stumble back.

"Devil's always have a price." I said sofly."

"One I'm sure you know very well my dear." He narrowed his eyes at me. "Anyway," he waved it off, "I just figured I would tell you lot that if you ever wanted to strike up a deal with me, we could work something out. You give me a little something, and I'll give you your freedom." He mocked looking at me.

"We don't want your deal."

He tisked as he approached, "I think you mean they don't want it. You my dear", he grabbed my hand turning it over as he waved his hand. Pain stung my arm as a small mark appears on my inner wrist, a small rune. "You don't have anything that I want that's not already mine."

"What's he talking about (F/N)?" Shadowheart looked at me.

"Oh don't blame her, she didn't remember till just now after all. But your sweet little leader here, already made a deal with me before, a few moons ago."

I snatched my hand away from him, "Enough Raphael, take us back." He looked surprised at me. "Now." I demanded through gritted teeth.

"My my. And to think you're the same little--" I brewed up a magical storm in my hand cutting him off, "alright!" He snapped his fingers, sending us back to the Underdark. "The rest of you, think about my deal. You'll see me soon enough."

In a puff of smoke he dissapeared. Leaving behind the awkward silence as the party stood staring at me as I stared at the rune. Astarion gently grabbed my hand and looked at it. He covered it with his free hand as he smiled at me, "you don't have to say anything you don't want to darling."

"But--" Shadowheart began to protest before Astarion gave her a look cutting her off.

"We already know a lot about (F/N)'s life before we joined her. Now, I know for a fact we know more about her than she does us."

"He does have a point." Gale rubbed his neck awkwardly. "I've told you guys about Mystra but I do have more skeletons in my closet. I don't know much about you lot though."

"I don't have to tell you anything." Shadowheart crossed her arms on her chest in defiance.

"And I'm not asking you to." I chimed in making them all look at me again. "Plus, I've been keeping a secret from all of you this entire time. Something about my tadpole." I gently pulled my hand away from Astarion. "But I care about you guys and I don't want to hide anything from yall. Just...please try not to be angry."

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