Moonrise Towers

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*I have to adjust the course of some things from the game because I didn't want to hop back and forth between locations, thanks for understanding*

I awoke alone as the sun rose. My things gathered up nicely beside me. I joined my party, no one really saying anything as we just continued on our journey. Lay'zel was verbally tearing into Gale as he had the map upside down the entire time which was why we ended up on the north side of this ghost town at the mosuleum, instead of the south end where Moonrise was. Although it didn't even take but a few hours to get there. We stood outside of the barrier. A grand castle awaited us behind it.

"Everyone ready?" I asked, they nodded. "Let's do this" I stepped through the barrier first nooding at the guards.

"Oh, a True Soul! They're awaiting you in the grand hall. Please, go straight in! Praise the Absolute!" They bowed slightly.

I nodded at them smiling, "Praise The Absolute. My underlings are comming with me, I expect them to be just was welcomed, understood?" I played the role of the confident. It was natural for souless me. But it was still a part of me.

They nodded as we walked into the castle. The main entrance had people standing around and talking. Large, grand wooden doors stood in front t of us, the grand hall must be behind it. Let's see who awaits us so eagerly. I pushed open the doors to goblins yelling at an orc, pleading more like. An elderly man sat on a throne behind the orc, he slammed his fist down, "your true soul is now dead! You have failed the absolute no matter how you look at it!" He shouted before they all looked at me, "a fellow True Soul, you decide their fate. Was their efforts enough to spare their lives?"

I looked at them, the hope in their eyes that I would save them. I used to have that look, it made me furious, "no." Was all I could say.

The orc smiled at me, pleased, "then you decide their fate. I have buisness to take care of, when you're done here see me in my office upstairs." Her and the armored, elder man left the room.

I looked back down at the goblins, "what happened to your true soul?" I asked, the tadpole wiggled showing me them allowing him to choke on poisonous gas as they sat back and watched. Wishing for his death just because of the powers he had. It made my blood boil, "I see."

"Y-you don't understand!" They pleaded.

"Enough!" I snapped, "you shall suffer a miserable fate as well, I want your blood to paint this boring floors." I commanded, the goblins all took out small knives and sliced their stomachs open, falling to the floor one by one.

"That was rather gruesome, was it really nec--" Halsin began but I cut him off.

"If we hesitate, or show any weakness we'll be found out. There's too many lives that we need to save to put in danger over a few goblins that killed a man." I turned to them, "in this castle, we serve The Absolute," I tried to explain without straight up winking at them. "Now, let's try to find clues as to where the teiflings are being held." We explored the castle, looking for any clues we could find without being suspicious.

I opened the door and found a drow leaning over chemicals before turning to look at us. "A True Soul? In my workshop?"

"Is that a problem? I see you're studying blood based potions," I nodded towards her equipment. Ones that I've seen my entire life. That ran, studied, and try to weaponize endless jugs of my own blood years on end.

"I am! I could make you an incredible postion with some of your absolute blood! If you let me have some extra to study." She looked at me before looking at Astarion, smiling adoringy at him. "Ah! A spawn, I have an even better, incredibly rare potion with your name on it." She looked him up and down. I clenched my jaw to hold my tongue.

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