Off Towards the City

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I stared at the waves in the water, gently crashing, my tadpole showing me flashes of both the future, and our shared deep down desire. Sneaking into the city, finding and killing Cazador, defeating those other two Absolute leaders.

Who made me like this?

I sang softly looking down at my hands, flashes of them covered in blood from both past and future.

Who encrypted my dark gospel in body language?
Synapses snap back in blissful anguish
Past what might be eating me from the inside, darling
Half magic, half deity
Glitches in the code or gaps in a strange dream

I looked up at the moon in a clearer sky now that the shadow curse had begun to lift from the land.

Tell me you guessed my future and it mapped into your fantasy
Turn me into your mannequin and I'll turn us into a puppet queen

I heard footsteps on the sand, I turned and saw Astarion approaching me, I smiled and held my hand out to him invitingly.

Won't you come and dance in the dark with me?

He grinned and took my hand as we danced in the moonlight.

Show me what you are, I am desperate to know
Nobody better than the perfect enemy
Digital demons make the night feel heavenly
Make it real
'Cause anything's better than the way I feel right now
I can offer you a blacklit paradise
Diamonds in the trees, pentagrams in the night sky
Blood stains on the collar, please, just don't ask
Let's take to the broken skies at last

He pulled me in close, I slowed the beat to match a slow dance,

And I know what you want from me
You want the same as me

I put a hand on his cheek, he leaned into it gently,

Our redemption, eternal ascension
Setting us free
So we'll take what we want,
then leave

Images of Astarion flashed, he stood tall, his eyes practically glowing with power as he sat on a throne, I was in his lap in a beautiful dress that matched his suit, with a small crown on top of my head as he had an arm around me. I pointed down as an army bowed down before us making us smile, laugh, and share a passionate kiss.

He must have saw the same thing for he smiled at me, "i don't think I could ever imagine a more perfect future treasure."

I pulled him in for a kiss as our parasites rejoiced. It seems I found what they wanted. I found our destiny. Our lips parted as we just stood there, our arms around eachother. He smiled at me, "I'll never understand how you do that."

"Do what?" I twisted a curl of his around my finger.

"Manage to take my breath away with every song of yours. You always put into words feelings that i have deep down."

I shrugged, "it just comes from the heart." I got lost in his eyes, "Let's go get some sleep," he nodded as we walked back to our rooms, I slept as soon as my head hit the pillow.

We awoke in the morning and headed out, Halsin was very happy that the land was getting better as the curse was lifted. We didn't run into any shadows the entire way back to the portal that took us back to the surface. Astarion took a deep breath as he looked around, "finally back in the sunlight!"

"What's the best way to get to Balders Gate?" I asked.

"Best way? Rivington, cross the bridge from the lower to the higher part of the city." Astarion shrugged.

"It's been a minuet since I've been in Rivington." Gale smiled, they all began to swap stories and their favorite places in the city. For once it made me feel like a complete outsider, my pace slowed as I was reminded that I'm not like them. I didn't have fun stories, favorite spots.

I jumped when Halsin gently patted my back snapping me back into reality, "it's alright. I've also never been to the city." I looked at the back of Astarion as he walked ahead with the rest of them, a small smile still found its ways on my lips. "What is it?" Halsin asked, eyebrow raised.

"He's happy about something. It's a part of his life that I'll get to see. Even though the city will be full of hard times for us all, there's still some light."

"That is why I enjoy your company." Halsin smiled as we just continued on, we reached the outskirts of the city by sunset. We set up camp in an abandoned small fortress that barley had walls remaining.

Halsin lit the fire that brought some warmth to the chilly night, (Y/N) was looking around, she reminded Astarion of a curious cat in a new home. She went around a corner out of sight so he followed her, his nerves of being this close to his fellow spawn made him protective of her. It's why they were going to the city in daylight tomorrow. So he could keep her safe tonight from that bastards grasps.

She climbed a ladder up to a still standing watch tower peaking his curiosity, "what is she doing up there?" He wondered as he climbed the ladder. "What in the world are you doing up here my pet?" He asked out loud as he got to the top and found her standing there.

She turned to look at him, the wind making her hair flow behind her, the colors of the sunset dancing on her skin, taking his breath away at her beauty. "I wanted to see the city where my love is from." She smiled as she looked out at the city. The watch tower overlooked the entire city even though they were outside the outer walls. Even he had to admit it was quite beautiful. "A little Astarion waddled around these streets." She chuckled at the thought making him chuckle. "You got to live a life here."

"I did, it's also where I died, turned, and suffered." He clenched his hands into fists, his knuckles turning white.

"Are you scared? To face him again? I was." She asked as she still looked at the city.

"I'm more afraid of becoming his puppet once more." He didn't want to admit he was also terrified of losing her to him as well.

She gently placed her hand on top of his, she turned and smiled at him. "I got your back, always. We'll stop the ritual, and defeat him."

"Speaking of which, I wanted to ask you something. A favor, if you will." He unclenched his fist and held her hand.

She smiled, "just name it."

"I want us to share a bed every night from now on." His cheeks slightly flushed.

"Do you want that because you're serious about us? Or because you're afraid of another spawn sneaking up on me?" She raised an eyebrow.

"US, I still love the sound of that," he smiled at her, "honestly, it's both. You don't understand how many he has. And he'll do anything to get to me."

She squeezed his hand, "it's okay, I don't mind you being protective of me. I quite like it actually," now her cheeks blushed pink. "Can...can I kiss you?" She asked, her face turning red.

"Can't get enough? I'm not suprised" He smiled as he grabbed her lower back and pulled her to him, kissing her passionately. The sun was now set and the sky turned dark, the group settled into their tents, (F/N) and Astarion now settled into one tent together. A portal opened allowing githyankee to come through and attack. The party woke in a shock as they had to fight. The tadpoles forced them through the portal to the other side.

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