Baldur's Gate

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I sat down exhausted from back to back fights, Astarion sat next to me, "you, have got to stop trusting and helping people so quickly!" He sighed with frustration as he ran his finger through his hair. "That dream guardian, visitor thing turned out to be a mindflare and you helped him just like that!"

I shrugged, "it worked out with you didn't it?" I smirked as I raised an eyebrow looking at him.

He rolled his eyes, "but I'm not a mindflare."

"Neither was he when we first met. Plus he's helped us this entire time," Astarion gave me a look, I put my hands up, "Okay, Okay, I promise I'll be more careful. Once we're in the city I'll be sticking very close to yall I promise."

"Thank you," he smiled satisfied with my promise. The Emperor approached us in his normal form now.

"Thank you for helping me. I'll continue to help as much as I can from here. You should get to the city and stop the Elder Brain as soon as possible." He opened for a portal for us to get back to pur camp.

We got back and we all collapsed into our beds. I fell asleep on Astarion, one arm around me holding me close. He had awoken to the sunrise before I did, he wrapped both arms around me as he kissed the top of my head, "rise and shine my darling. It's time I introduce you to my world."

I shook my head, "too tired" I grumbled.

He chuckled as we sat up, "I'm sorry my pet but we must." He changed and left the tent so I could change. I braided my hair in an elven style and wore my blue hooded dress. Lacing up my most comfortable shoes to explore the city in. When I left the tent Astarion looked me up and down smiling, "God's you're beautiful."

"Everyone ready?" Gale smiled as we finished packing up, "Let's be off then!" He lead the way as we ended up on a dirt path that brought us to a decent sized town, "Ah Rivington. It's a little busier than I remember."

"They're refuges," Lay'zel pointed out. "The Absolute army must have forced them here. They must be stopped!" She spat angrily.

We walked around untill I froze looking at the poster in front of me, fear struck me to my core. "Oh no."

"Oh, a circus is in town! What fun those are! We should stop by!" Gale patted my shoulder pointing towards the entrance.

"I must admit, my curiosity is peaked." Halsin smiled as they all headed towards the entrance. My feet felt like stone forcing myself to move with them as I pulled my hood over head. We passed through the front entrance as it opened up to the full circus. Bards playing instruments drawing in crowds, families gathered around the games, Gale was talking to a Djin when he waved us over.

I shook my head no, "go on, I'll pay for you my pet," he smiled sweetly as he put a hand on my back.

"Come on (F/N), don't you want to win a prize?" Gale asked smiling, the Djin's eyebrow raised as he looked at me.

"Just a moment," he flicked his hand, my hood flying off, "it's our dear old ugly doll! Where is your husband?" He looked around.

I clenched my hands into fist as I spoke through clenched teeth, "he was not my husband."

"No matter," he looked to the rest of the group, "in case you didn't know, this one might be ugly, but can sing like no other. A truly hidden talent." She smiled at them, the Fury boiling inside me. He clapped his hands making me appear with the bards, "come, bless us with a song" He commanded. My hands shook, my heart raced, a part of me still afraid of being disobedient. The bards played one of his favorite songs. The same one he always made me sing when he put me on display.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08 ⏰

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