Chapter 9

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Yoongi shook his head and went away from the club, without even bidding goodbye to the beta, as he was restless.

Jimin finally went outside with the younger and he grabbed his phone to call his alpha.
Once the alpha picked up the call, he started speaking.
" Hyungie We are waiting at the club. Come and pick us up. Tae is drunk" he mumbled and the older gasped.
" Our baby Drank? What the hell baby cheeks?" he yelled and the younger pulled his phone away due to the sudden screaming.
" Yah sunshine calm down. I will take care of him. But please come fast" he whined and the older chuckled before he cut the call.
The younger omega was hiccupping and babbling something. The older pulled the younger with him and settled into their car and the younger clinged onto the older, and he sat on the older's lap.
Hoseok soon arrived and he saw the omegas cuddled together.
"How much did he drink? " the oldest among the three asked in astonishment, when he saw the younger pointing to something on the window and babbling with himself.
" I don't have any idea. I fought with the bartender" the omega replied, and the older frowned.
" What happened bun? Are you both okay? " he asked anxiously, and the younger smiled before nodding.
" That shithead alpha dared to look at my baby hungrily. His looks disgust me" he said, scowling in anger.
" Calm down. But it serves him right." the older said with a growl, understanding what would have happened.
After parking their car, all of them went inside the house.
Jimin helped the younger one and placed him on the bed. Picking up some comfortable clothes, he went near the younger and pushed him inside the bathroom. He turned on the shower, and the younger whined when the cold water soaked him wet, sending shivers down his spine. He was slowly coming out of his drunkenness and the older male helped him to freshen up.
After changing the younger, he freshened up and went towards the older alpha. Standing on his tiptoes, he placed a kiss on the older's cheeks, who smiled softly. When the younger was about to pull away from him, Hoseok nuzzled into the omega's cheeks and scent gland, scenting him to his heart's content. The younger grinned and skipped towards his best friend.
The alpha also decided to join the omegas, and they ended up cuddling, in the large cosy bed.

The next morning arrived, and the youngest among the three groaned, holding his head as he woke up and sat on the bed. A frustrated whine left his lips as he held onto his throbbing head, and Jimin rushed inside when he heard the younger groaning.
" Bun have this pill," he said, giving him the medicine to get rid of his headache.
"Just how much did I drink?" The younger asked and the older sighed before he shrugged his arms.
" I don't know." He murmured and the younger cursed under his breath when he remembered that he forgot to tell his parents about staying here.
" Relax bun. I called and informed eomma so don't worry" he said and the younger sighed in relief and went to freshen up.

Parking his car, Jimin stepped out and helped the younger omega who grunted in pain, holding his head.
" How do people drink so much? I am not able to tolerate this headache. And the alcohol smells bad too" he muttered, scrunching his nose in disgust when he remembered the stench of alcohol. Jimin chuckled before shaking his head and intertwined their fingers, as they both walked towards their university.
"I should call eomma" the younger said, and pulled his phone from his pocket, before dialling her number.
" Tae, baby are you okay? Did you eat? Jimin is okay, right? She continued questioning until the omega chuckled.
" Eomma we both are okay. Relax. And yes we had our breakfast," he said and the alpha sighed in relief.
" Did you guys reach the university? " she asked, and the younger nodded. After speaking for some minutes, the omega hung up the call.
" Jimin-ah, I am going to my classes" he said, and hugged the older.
" Tae, bun, if you are not able to tolerate it just call me. We can go home okay? " he mumbled, and the younger nodded before both of them parted their ways towards their classroom.

Taehyung was walking towards his locker, when he saw a familiar group of jerks, bullying a girl.
"Baby, if you make it fast, we can all go to our classes. It's just one kiss~ Not a very big deal right? " the alpha asked with a smirk, and all his fellow gang members chuckled.
"Oppa please me...." the girl stuttered, and the boys chuckled.
"Ye Joon. Stop this. Why don't you stop forcing yourself upon omegas?" a voice came, making the group turn towards the source of the voice.
"And you, stop crying and being afraid of such alphas" Taehyung uttered.
" Look who we have here. The popular male omega Kim Taehyung" Benjamin uttered with a mocking smirk and fake clapped. The omega rolled his eyes seeing the right hand of Jeon Jungkook, roaming with a nasty alpha.

"What's your name? " taehyung asked the girl, who turned towards him and smiled softly before wiping her tears.
"Mi Cha. Thank you so much Taehyung-ssi."
"You are welcome. Don't show your fear to any of them. Fear is our biggest enemy. And fearing these jokers would only weaken you" he muttered, pointing towards the gang.

A growl left the alpha's mouth hearing those words. Taehyung signalled the girl to go away but before she could move, a hand pulled her back.
Taheyung scowled and grabbed the alpha's hand and signalled the girl to go to her classes.
"Don't meddle in our business omega. Stay away from this" the alpha said with a glare, but Taehyung remained unaffected. Folding his arms he looked at the alpha and raised his eyebrows. He tsk-ed and rolled his eyes.
"So what I'm an omega, doesn't mean I gotta be nice to shitheads like you. You thought I would cower away hearing that mere growl of yours.
Alpha's are not meant to show their strength by teasing and harassing omegas and girls." the grey-haired omega uttered and went near the alpha.
"Don't show your bullying skills to me. And if I see you bullying anyone else, you would see what a mere omega could do. "
The alpha saw the younger standing dangerously close, and he could smell the younger's strong coffee scent lingering in the air, due to his anger.
The younger walked away with a scoff, blabbering something with himself.
The alpha and the gang together watched the omega and their leader back and forth, trying to understand why the alpha didn't trouble or talk back with the omega, but Benjamin smirked seeing the alpha's dreamy eyes.
"Someone's got an eye on the omega," the beta said with a teasing smile, wiggling his eyebrows.
" Look at that omega. He looks so ethereal and hot. I just want to taste him once " the alpha said, licking his lips.
Benjamin smirked internally and told entire details about the omega.

The grey-haired omega was walking towards his class when he bumped his head into someone's chest. Rubbing his forehead, he looked up and saw a familiar alpha.
" I am sorry Bogum-ssi. I was just lost in some thoughts" he uttered and the older nodded with a small smile.
"Tae. Stop calling me formally. You can call me Hyung."
"Okay hyung" the younger said with a small smile and the older's heart thumped against his chest just by seeing the younger's smile and by hearing him saying 'hyung' for the first time.
" A-Are you going to your class?" he asked the Omega, who nodded his head.
" Where else would we be going? To cook? " he heard his wolf asking irritated.
"Shut up V," he said in the back of his mind. Whenever someone asked him silly questions, his wolf would urge him to reply vaguely but he would suppress his wolf's thoughts. Bidding their goodbyes, the alpha and omega went towards their respective classroom.


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