Chapter 54

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Chapter 54

"I will miss you eomma and Appa" the omega sniffled, hugging the trueblood's parents, who hugged him back with a smile.

"Aish baby don't cry. I will visit you often. Take care of yourself and the little one." the alpha whispered, and kissed the omega's forehead.

"Okay eomma" the omega muttered back, and the true blood patted the younger's shoulder.

"You cat. You don't have any affection right? See Darling, your son is not even crying or being sad" Mr Min mumbled and the omega giggled upon hearing that, while the true blood rolled his eyes and hugged his parents.

"Take care of them Noona" the Trueblood uttered to which the maid nodded with a gentle smile.

"Aish marshmallow enough. Come let's go" the Trueblood mumbled when he saw the omega waving his hands back at all the people.


"I miss eomma and appa. They are so friendly and caring. You are very lucky hyung. I wish I had parents like them" the omega uttered, whispering the last words. But the true blood heard those words and frowned.

"Baby you--"

"Hyung I am hungry" the omega stated, cutting off the true blood, who chuckled and nodded.

"Okay, sweetheart. There is a restaurant nearby. We will eat there okay?"

The omega nodded and yawned, making the older chuckle.

The true blood tried not to scoff as he saw the omega eating vanilla ice cream with tomato ketchup. He looked away, trying to understand how the omega was enjoying such weird food.

The omega was happily eating the ice cream from his spoon, and when he saw Trueblood looking at him, he stretched his spoon towards the older's mouth, who looked at him with wide eyes.

"Hyung try this. It is delicious with tomato ketchup" the omega uttered excitedly, making the older giggle nervously.

"Uh. No marshmallow. You have it"

"Won't you eat it for me?" the younger asked with a pout, and the older nodded, not being able to reject the younger.

The trueblood internally screamed tasting the weird combo, but gave a fake smile and gulped the content.

"You think I am eating weird things right?" the omega asked with a sad pout, and the elder shook his head, seeing the younger's smile dropping.

"Aish no baby. It's not like that"

"I guess I am eating weird tho" the omega mumbled looking at the bowl of ice cream.

'What's with his mood swings?'

"Baby it's good okay? You are not eating weirdly. And it's okay to eat so, as you are pregnant"

The omega nodded and continued eating, and the Trueblood looked at the younger in disbelief, as the younger continued eating, after being sad for a few seconds.


Taehyung was sitting on the couch and scrolling through his phone and the Trueblood was working on his laptop when they heard the doorbell ring.

The omega stood up from the couch and started walking towards the door. When he opened the door, he saw Namjoon and Jin standing there with a soft smile and squealed, jumping on the mates.

"Joonie hyungie, Jin hyung how are you guys?" he chirped and the older males chuckled.

"We are fine bub. How are you? How is our little one?"

"Mu buttercup is fine hyungie. I am good too. Come let's go inside and talk" the omega muttered.

"Hey, Namjoon and Jin" Yoongi muttered and the omega looked at the older.

"You already knew about them visiting us?"

"Surprise" the Trueblood mumbled and the omega chuckled.

"Okay you guys talk here I will prepare coffee for you all"

Jin looked at the omega as if he had grown two horns.

"Hyungie don't give me that look. I really learned how to make coffee. Ask Yoongi Hyung if you don't believe me" the omega uttered, stomping his foot, and went inside the kitchen, rolling his eyes.

Yoongi and Namjoon were standing near the balcony, and discussing about their business.

"Yoongi Hyung I am taking over Appa's business next week"

"Woah congratulations Namjoon."

The younger sighed and nodded, and the older patted his shoulders, knowing why the younger was upset.

"I am sorry on behalf of Appa. I don't know why he is doing this"

"It's okay Namhoon. We have already talked about this right? And I am glad that you helped me with the evidence"

The younger nodded and both the true bloods started talking about random things.


Yoongi and Jin were cutting vegetables to prepare lunch when the Kim brothers entered the kitchen.

"Hyung we will help you" The omega muttered with a determined expression, and Namjoon nodded, agreeing to his brother's words.

Yoongi and Jin looked at each other, and then at the Kim brothers.

They shook their heads, denying the younger's request.

"You both are banned from the kitchen" Both the older males muttered, while the younger males whined.

"Marshmallow go and watch some drama on the television. Take your hyung with you" the true blood muttered.

"Eomma is worried about you bub" the true blood muttered and the omega sighed, averting his gaze towards the older.

"I don't want to meet her yet hyungie. But she is fine right?"

"I can understand bun. She is fine, just worried about you"

"I will talk to her, but not now. Take care of her hyung"

"Sure bun. And I am taking over the company"

"Woah you didn't say this earlier. Congratulations hyungie" the omega mumbled, hugging the older.

All four chatted and played games, until midnight, before the mates decided to go back.


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