Chapter 47

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"Mr Min this hotel looks so good right?" Mina asked enthusiastically,  roaming her eyes around in awe.

Yoongi gave her a bored look and walked faster, making the girl run behind him.

"When is the meeting?" Yoongi asked in a cold voice, making the beta roll her eyes.

'Why is he being so grumpy'

"It's around 5 pm, Sir"

"Okay. Go and take a rest. Prepare all the reports properly." Yoongi mumbled and went inside his room, slamming the door hard.

Mina flinched at the sound and went towards her room.

The Trueblood groaned when he heard a knock and opened to door only to see Mr Choi standing.

"Oh come in Mr Choi" Yoongi mumbled moving aside.

"What's the matter, Mr Choi?"

"Yoongi I suspect Mr Kim is cheating us"

Yoongi frowned upon hearing that.

"Can you elaborate on what you mean Mr Choi"

"Umm. Yoongi I think he is disclosing trade secrets and also he is hesitating when we ask for any financial statements "

Yoongi leaned back against the headboard nodding.

Mr Choi noticed how calm the younger looked and frowned.

Yoongi rubbed his temple and sighed.

"I know Mr. Choi. But talking with him wouldn't solve any problems. We are already collecting evidence against him so don't worry"

The older widened his eyes and his mouth went agape.

"How? How did you know? From when did you know?"

"I have my ways"

The older nodded and got up from the bed.

"Okay, Yoongi I am leaving. Take a rest we will meet at 5"

The younger nodded and lay on the bed,  as an exaggerated sigh escaped his lips. Closing his eyes, he began dozing off.

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