Chapter 21

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Third Person's POV:

Empty. That was all Taehyung felt after all the incidents. It was all so sudden - him getting his heat at a random club one week before his actual heat,  him getting pregnant and then getting kicked out from his home. He was lost in his thoughts, sitting at the bus stop, when he heard a sudden horn.

Flinching, he turned towards the car and saw a familiar tall beta with wide shoulders, leaning on the car with a small smile.
"Taehyung-ah, come. "

The omega blinked his eyes before he got up with his bag and went near the beta.
The older male gently grabbed the bag and observed the omega's face - swollen eyes and a puffy red nose. Sighing, he gently wiped the tears and patted the younger's head.

"We will talk after some time bub now come with me," the beta said and the younger nodded.
He smiled when he realised how his Namjoon Hyung would have sent Jin Hyung to help him.

Both of them remained silent throughout the ride but the silence was not awkward.
The older male helped the younger to get down and they finally entered his private villa.

Stepping inside his house, Jin called out for the maid.
"Noona prepare hot chocolate and a cup of coffee please" the beta said to which the maid nodded with a small smile.

Taehyung was fidgeting with his fingers and saw the older male approaching him.

After settling on the couch, the older male observed the younger's nervousness and smiled softly.

"Bub, why are you so nervous? I am not conducting any exams here. Relax" the beta said and the younger nodded with a small sigh
"Umm hyung I-I am pregnant," the omega said nervously and looked down at his lap,  not wanting to look at his hyung's disappointed or disgusted expression. But he was surprised when he heard a small 'okay' in return.

He looked up and saw Jin smiling softly at him and immediately,  his eyes teared up. He threw himself on the older beta and sobbed, explaining everything.

The beta gently caressed the younger's hair and mumbled soft nothings into his ear. After a while, the omega calmed down.

"This is exactly why omegas aren’t allowed to go out alone! ESPECIALLY IN HEAT!"
Jin immediately snapped his head towards the voice and saw a middle-aged woman his mother to be precise, standing there with two cups.

"So you are saying that omegas should always stay at their homes and alphas cannot fucking keep their hormones in control right?"
The lady remained silent and the beta sighed.

"I asked noona to bring the cups. Please leave the room".

Taehyung sighed seeing the lady leaving the room and turned his attention back to the beta.

"Taehyung-ah it's okay bub. Appa will forgive you soon. Don't be angry on eomma too. Don't mind my eomma. You know about her right? And what is his name again?" the beta asked calmly, but he was already plotting plans to kill the alpha in his mind silently.

"Y-Yejoon. He is my senior. But Hyung don't do anything against him. Jiminie and Hobi Hyung had already broken his jaw. "

Jin chuckled upon hearing that and nodded.

"Okay okay bub I won't do anything," the beta said and patted his head.

"Take the cup and drink the hot chocolate bub. I will prepare a hot bath for you. You can relax and then we can see what to do okay?" the older asked and the younger nodded agreeing.


Jimin was dialling Tae's number but the other omega had left his phone in the beta's car.

"Hyung he will be okay right? I know about his father. He is already very cold towards my baby" the younger said anxiously, biting on his nails.

"He will be okay Bun don't worry."

"But alpha he isn't picking up my call" the omega whined and Hoseok sighed before scooping up the omega on his lap.

"He will be okay bun. Maybe he just kept his phone somewhere or his phone is dead" the older replied, caressing the omega's chubby cheeks.

The omega laid his head on the older's chest, listening to the older's soft heartbeats with a smile. The alpha placed a tender kiss on the omega's head and continued caressing the omega's soft hair until he heard snores.



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Most awarded soloist?!! 😭✨👑

Most awarded soloist?!! 😭✨👑

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