Chapter 43

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My fireball,

Don't you miss me like I do? Do you think about me like I do? It's been a week since you rejected me. You blocked me and refused to even see my face. It's not my fault. Listen to me. Please...

My room, my pillow still smells like you. I miss you alpha. Please don't do this to me. Just give me a chance. I did not cheat on you. Believe me.

I am close to giving up.


How come you don't want me now? How come you always lead me on, never take my call, hear me out?

I keep trying my best to keep you... But you?

I keep running away from the memories only to surrender myself in your eyes.

I know, you wouldn't have read this letter because if you had, you would have at least tried to contact me.

I love you so much Jungkook.

Jungkook stopped reading as the letters were smudged probably due to her tears. He held the letters close to his heart as tears rolled down his cheeks.


Taehyung and Yoongi were walking in the Park, as the omega was bored. They were licking their ice cream and talking about random things when Trueblood noticed the younger's shoes.

"Taehyungie wait" the older mumbled and the younger stopped walking, quirking his brows in confusion.

The older squatted down in front of the younger's feet and the omega widened his eyes.

"Hyung what are you--"

The older chuckled and tied the younger's shoelace.

The younger blushed at the older's action and awkwardly rubbed his nape looking away, feeling all giddy.

"You want to fall and break your pretty nose or what?" the older mumbled getting up and the omega playfully glared at him.

"Hyung enough I am tired. Let me sit" the younger mumbled sitting on the bench. The older nodded and sat beside the younger.

The omega closed his eyes as a chilly breeze hit the air. Closing his eyes, he enjoyed the chillness and hugged himself with a big smile. The older smiled seeing the younger's action and looked at the younger's smile.


Jungkook started walking out of his mansion and started his car, driving towards his omega's house.

He nervously fidgeted with his fingers, hesitating to knock on the door. The last time he visited this house, he started an unnecessary fight, humiliating his omega and his future mother-in-law, completely creating a chaotic environment.

Taking a deep breath and bracing himself, he knocked on the door.

A few seconds later, an elderly woman opened the door. She had a blank expression when she noticed the alpha standing at her door.

"J-Jangmo" the alpha stuttered nervously.

"What is it Jungkook?" the lady uttered in her cold voice.

'Of course ~ not baby. Why would she call me affectionately'

"C-can I come inside?" Jungkook asked reluctantly.

The lady opened the door widely and walked inside, leaving space for the alpha to enter.

'At least she didn't close the door in your face' his wolf mumbled.


"What do you want now Jungkook?"

"I- I am sorry eomma. I don't know if I still have the right to call you. I am so stupid eomma. I know how much I have hurt my omega. But... but I want to apologise to her. Before that, I want to apologise to you. Please eomma, forgive me" The alpha sniffled and touched her feet, who widened her eyes and pushed the alpha away slightly.

"Jungkook what are you doing?" the lady mumbled looking away.

"Please forgive me Eomma"

"I am sorry but I will never be able to forgive you Jungkook. You hurt my baby so much. She is the only reason for who I am living. I can't afford to see my child hurt. If she forgives you, I am okay with it but don't expect me to accept your apology. This is her life and it is her choice to get back to you or not." the lady muttered wiping her tears away.

Meanwhile, Sana silently wiped her tears away, listening to her mom's words. When he sensed a familiar scent of her alpha, she came running down the stairs, even if her mind didn't want her to.

"Eomma, please don't say like that. Please forgive me"

"Jungkook. It's getting late. It looks like it's about to rain~ Go to your house."

"Eomma fine~But please don't refuse my request. I want to meet Sana. I will talk to her and go. Please eomma"

The lady bit her lips, thinking about her daughter. But she couldn't bear seeing the sadness in the bunny's eyes. She sighed and nodded.

Jungkook wiped his tears and thanked the older before he stood up from the couch. Seeing the older's action, Sana quickly rushed upstairs and locked her door.

Jungkook climbed up the stairs with a sad smile, nostalgia hitting him hard. He had visited Sana many times before, in her house.

Taking a deep breath, he knocked on the omega's door.


That deep comforting voice alone made the omega cry more. She closed her mouth, muffling her sobs.

"Baby I know you were listening. Please open the door"

The omega leaned her head on the door, refusing to open it.

Jungkook sniffled and leaned his head forward on the other side of the door.

"Okay fine. I am going, Goldie. I love you" the alpha whispered and started walking away, not noticing the door creaking open.

'Why doesn't he fight for me? Why does he give up on me so easily?'

Sana wiped her tears and rushed towards her window. Pushing the curtains away, she opened the window.

Jungkook walked out of the house after apologising to Sana's mother again. Before finally opening his car door, he turned towards the house door only to find it empty. His wolf whimpered in pain.

Sana gripped the window harshly.

'Look up Jungkook. Look at the window. Please'
Sana chanted in her mind repeatedly, but the alpha sighed and got inside the car before driving away.

Sana ran out of her room, ignoring her mother's call, only to notice the car already going out.


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