The plan to break hearts

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Wednesday 22nd May

Kayla's point of view

Kayla was walking to lunch, on her own, confused and heartbroken as to why Parker acted like that. Did she do something wrong?

'Kayla, come over here!' Shouted Ruby. What does Ruby want with Kayla? Thought she hated her.

As she walked over to Ruby, Ruby came and gave her a big hug. 'I've missed you gosh it's been too long!' More confusion grew over Kayla, what was actually happening.

'Umm Ruby what's going on, you didn't even talk to me yesterday and now you want to give me a hug?' Kayla pulled herself away from Ruby showing how uncomfortable she was.

'Well I thought we could talk now since you've broken up with that Parker guy.'

'What are you talking about, we haven't broken up. And how on Earth do you know about me and him arguing?' Ruby looked her up and down.

'girl everyone saw you two argue. Besides I'm glad your rid off him, did you see how quickly he moved on!' Ruby said with a laugh afterwards.

'What do you mean, moved on??' Kayla felt even more heartbroken hearing those words.

Ruby grabbed Kayla's hand and pulled her into the cafeteria, showing her what appeared to be.. Parker and Scarlett kissing.

Both of their lips were touching, Scarlett's hand wrapped around his waist.

Kayla felt like she was about to be sick, she had no idea what to do.

Parker turned around to see Kayla and Ruby standing at the door, shocked and surprised. 'Kayla it's not what it looks like I swear!' He said trying to pull Scarlett off of him, but it was already too late. Kayla ran out of the cafeteria in tears, with Parker following right behind her.

Parker's point of view

After Parker left before the end of music, he strode past the hallways thinking about and regretting stuff that he did. He should've just told Kayla the truth and what Ruby told him, he just couldn't. He just froze and left.

Parker ended up at his locker where he got out a pack of spare chewing gum to have for lunch. As he closed the locker, Scarlett Davidson was right beside the locker.

'Hey Parker, music was interesting don't you think?' She said sarcastically.

'Not in the mood Davidson.' He started heading to the cafeteria when Scarlett started walking beside him.

'You know if you ever need a replacement, I'm always free.. I'm so much better than that Kayla girl anyways, I mean haven't you heard Ruby Wilson basically replaced her with me.' Scarlett said while taking a piece of gum out of the pack in Parker's hand.

'Wow never thought you'd be a Kayla 2.0 but here we are. I'm not replacing her so you can move along and go.'

Scarlett and Parker were now face to face in the cafeteria with Parker's back towards the door. 'Oh come on Parker, just give in. You know you like me..' she said pulling herself closer to him.

'No I don't, go away and annoy someone else.' He said while trying to pull her off.

'Feisty.. I can roll with that' Scarlett pinned Parker down on the lunch table and started kissing him uncontrollably.

Both of their lips were touching, Scarlett's hand wrapped around his waist.

'Look at that, seems we have an audience..' She said while looking up behind him.

Parker turned around to see Kayla and Ruby standing at the door, shocked and surprised. 'Kayla it's not what it looks like I swear!' He said trying to pull Scarlett off of him, but it was already too late. Kayla ran out of the cafeteria in tears, with Parker following right behind her.

Ruby & Scarlett's point of view

The music lesson wasn't about music anymore. Nobody was talking about it, instead it was all about the fight between Kayla and Parker.

Scarlett saw the whole thing and told her entire gossip group. She then started texting most of the entire school about what went on in class, including her new best friend, Ruby Wilson.

'Kayla and Parker just had a massive fight, what did you do?' Scarlett texted Ruby, knowing it was her that caused it.

'Just had a talk with Parker that's all, then they both did the rest. Ain't my fault. Now we just gotta keep them apart.'

'I've got an idea and it involves me getting with the new guy..' Scarlett and Ruby stopped texting but they both knew what to do.

It's a while before lunch starts so Ruby and Scarlett met around the back of the building to discuss what they were going to do.

Scarlett fancied all the guys especially new ones, whenever she had a plan that involved a boy, it always lead to kissing.

'I'll draw Kayla out and bring her into the cafeteria, where you'll be with Parker..' Ruby said trying to act like the leader of the duo. They both agreed and planned ahead of themselves.

'Ok I just saw Kayla walk out of music so I'll wait for her to walk closer and I'll call her over, you will go find Parker and make him go to the cafeteria. Got it?'

Scarlett nodded, and she walked off to go find Parker. While watching her leave, Ruby turned around to see Kayla heading in her direction.

'Kayla, come over here!' Shouted Ruby. Every step that got closer, was a step closer to the plan going right.

As she walked over to Ruby, Ruby came and gave her a big hug. 'I've missed you gosh it's been too long!' Kayla gave her a confused look.

'Umm Ruby what's going on, you didn't even talk to me yesterday and now you want to give me a hug?' Kayla pulled herself away from Ruby showing how uncomfortable she was.

'Well I thought we could talk now since you've broken up with that Parker guy.'

'What are you talking about, we haven't broken up. And how on Earth do you know about me and him arguing?' Ruby looked her up and down.

'girl everyone saw you two argue. Besides I'm glad your rid off him, did you see how quickly he moved on!' Ruby said with a laugh afterwards.

She knew that Scarlett was the one going around telling everyone, but she couldn't tell Kayla.

'What do you mean, moved on??' Kayla looked like a lifeless soul.

Ruby grabbed Kayla's hand and pulled her into the cafeteria, showing her what appeared to be.. Parker and Scarlett kissing. The plan went perfect.

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