Last chance

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Friday 24th May

The parents had all started to walk in the office, all with looks of disappointment.

Parker and Kayla had sat next to each other with her head leant on his shoulder, she thought to herself.. why couldn't Ruby just leave her alone.

Opposite the two of them were Spencer and Ruby, whispering to each other, most likely talking about the fight. That's all they had talked about.

Then a voice was called from inside the office, "Kayla Cooper and Parker Monroe."

They both walked in the cold and lifeless room, Kayla's mum was sitting down on the chair looking down to the floor while Parker's dad was leant against the wall, looking into his son's eyes making him feel guilty.

"Kids, come take a seat". Mr Joseph gestured his hand out to the seats in front of him, Parker tried not to look into his dad's eyes but it was too hard. He could feel the stares on him.

Kayla had sat between her mother and Parker. Samantha had not looked at her even once.

"We've looked into the footage and it seems Ruby Wilson did start the fight, so I'll have to speak to her mother about suspension..."

Suspension?? Kayla felt happy but not happy at the same time.. her best friend she's known for years, suspended?

".. but as for Miss Cooper, it is shown that she did defend herself so there will be so suspension for her. Now onto Mr Monroe's side of the fight."

A smile grew from Parker's face when he heard Kayla wouldn't be suspended but now it was his turn.. suspended or not.

"This is your second fight this week! Parker I know your trying but this is unacceptable, you've just joined.."

That sentence just echoed through his mind, will he have to leave Penny Hills high?

Harrison Monroe had moved from his position to the other side of the room, putting his hand on Parker's shoulder, showing his concern and care.

"Now I know you didn't start the fight and I know you was only trying to help out Kayla but I will have to suspend you for a few days.."

"How long is a few days?" Mr Monroe said with a stubborn tone.

"Well depending on what the school board will have to say perhaps 3-5 days." Mr Joseph said looking over at Parker.

He was just silent, no word came from him. Parker's entire body was frozen, how could he have done this.. he looked over at Kayla who was already looking at him.

No words could form but they both knew what they were saying.

"But if you two do anything like this again, I will have to look into further punishment."

They both nodded and got up to leave with their parents, Kayla gathered up her school bag while Parker spoke up, "what about Spencer?"

"Spencer is none of your concern.. I will think of his punishment don't worry"

Parker nodded and the four of them all walked out the room in pairs.

As they all walked away, Kayla and Parker could feel the stares from Ruby and Spencer. They didn't care, it was useless fighting them, nothing good came out of it.

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