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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩

"SO THAT BLOODSTAIN, OVER THERE, IS FROM ONE OF THOSE CLOWNS?" Zoro asks as he looks over at Amelia. "Yeah... Cabbage- no Cabiji?- Cabaji was probably angry because I killed him," the blonde tells him as she pinches her nose bridge trying to forget the memory of killing someone even though she had done it plenty of times already.

Zoro hums, almost impressed, "So, you were awake the whole time they were on our ship?" he asks, squinting his eyes at the girl.

"Well, yeah. Before they put a sack over my head, tied me up, and knocked me out."

"How? That gas knocked us all out,"

"Guess I'm just better than you," Amelia shrugs, making the man across from her roll his eyes. "You remember the cloth you used to clean my cut with?" Amelia questions, and Zoro hums again. "I put that over my face so that the toxins couldn't reach my nose or mouth," she explains.

"Hmm, you're smarter than you're letting on,"

"Don't know if that's a compliment, but thank you."

Amelia's eyes avert away from Zoro as she notices water rising inside the boat. "Uh... Zoro?" she says, gaining the man's attention. "What?" he asks, his voice dull.

Amelia points towards the water without a word, Zoro's eyes follow her finger. "That's not good," he tells her, the girl raises her eyebrows at him, "No shit."

Zoro walks over to the door to the deck outside, Amelia following after him. "Zoro, Amelia! Check it out," Luffy exclaims excitedly. He's holding up a flag, a skeleton in a straw hat painted onto it.

Zoro stops in his tracks, making the girl behind him almost bump into him if it weren't for her quick reflexes.

"That's unique," Zoro deadpans, Luffy grins widely when he looks over at Amelia. "It looks great Luff," she tells him with a comfortable smile, her words make the young boy's smile widen even more.

"Nami, I think the toilet is busted," Zoro says, making Nami look up from the map to the Grand Line. "We don't have a toilet," Nami informs him, "Oh. Well, then something back there is leaking,"

"What?" Nami exclaims as she quickly gets up from the crate she's sitting on. She rushes inside and closes the door after her.

Not even a minute later she comes back out, storming directly toward Zoro. "We're taking in water. What did you do?" she questions accusingly.

"I didn't do anything," Zoro denies calmly. "The way you're clanging those swords around, you must've broken something," Nami reasons, her voice coming out angrier as she keeps talking.

"Maybe you should've stolen a better boat," Zoro shoots back, Amelia and Luffy share a look at their bickering. "Guys. Guys. Guys. Okay, crew meeting," Luffy says, he folds up the Jolly Roger and places it down onto a crate.

"Not a crew!"

"Not a crew."

Luffy ignores Nami and Zoro and keeps talking, "We're gonna need a better ship to make it to the Grand Line. A real pirate ship. Worthy of the Straw Hat Crew," Luffy says.

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