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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐞

"HOW'S THE SHIP LOOKING?" Nami asks Amelia, "No clue, I can't see shit through this fog," Amelia says. Nami sends her a look making the girl sigh, "Broken railing. Minor damage. Could've been a lot worse," she says.

"Could've been better," Nami replies. "Can't see the Marines anywhere," Usopp speaks up, "probably means they can't see us either," Amelia says.

"Yeah, can't see anything in this soup," Nami agrees, "What we need is a place to lay low and wait out any reinforcements they send after us, but my charts are useless in this fog" she continues, looking down at her navigation supplies.

"What did Luffy say?" Zoro asks, "He's up on the bow. He hasn't said anything since we hightailed it," Usopp says. "Well, somebody needs to talk to him. About this and that other thing."

"What other thing?" Zoro asks, "Oh, gee, I wonder," Nami says sarcastically. "The vice-admiral-of-the-Marines-is-my-grandfather thing," she exclaims.

"Oh, that. Yeah, I don't really know the guy that well," Usopp tells her, "Doesn't seem like a big deal," Zoro shrugs.

"You're his second mate. Kind of seems like that falls under your job description, hmm?" Nami says to Zoro. "Fine," he deadpans and walks toward Luffy.

Not even five minutes later he walks back to them, "He seems fine to me," he says. "Did you even ask him?" Nami questions, "Amelia, you try, since clearly the first mate should handle it instead," Usopp says.

"Okay," the girl shrugs and walks over to Luffy, "You wanna tell me why your grandpa tried to kill us?" Amelia asks.

Luffy stays silent, "Sorry," Amelia mutters before sitting down next to him. "Are you okay?" she asks, "I'm great," Luffy tells her. "Are you sure?" Amelia asks, unsure if he's speaking the truth. "Yeah, but my hat took a couple of hits during the battle," he says, not looking up from his hat.

"Lemme see," Amelia says, holding her hand out. Luffy hands his hat to Amelia and watches how she fixes the small damages.

Once Amelia is done fixing his hat she turns to him, placing the straw hat on top of his head. "You can always talk to me. You know that, right?" Amelia says as she adjusts his hat. Luffy smiles at her but doesn't say anything.

"I'll even cook you some food while we talk," she adds, swaying toward him a little bit. "I'll keep that in mind," Luffy tells her, "Good," the girl smiles.

She stands up and pats his head before walking off. "Hey!" Luffy suddenly exclaims, making Amelia stop and turn to him. He's sniffing the air, "You guys smell that?" he asks them. "Smell what?"

"There's something on the breeze. Smells like butter. Soy sauce. And meat," Luffy says, "I think he's gone insane," Amelia mutters to Nami.

"I can't smell anything," Usopp says, "Think he has brain damage," Zoro says walking up behind Nami and Amelia. "I think that every day," Nami tells him. "Look, Luffy, playing follow the smell is fun and all, but we really got to get out of this fog," Usopp says as he walks over to Luffy.

"I know, but I smell food which means that there's someone somewhere cooking."

Luffy walks over to the front of the boat and sits on top of the giant sheepshead, giving Nami directions. 

"I can't believe we're doing this," Amelia chuckles at Nami, "Five degrees starboard!" Luffy exclaims. 

"No! No! Three degrees back to port."

"Add food to the equation and suddenly he knows how to navigate," Nami deadpans, "What is that?" Zoro asks. Amelia follows his line of sight. Lights. "Is that land?" Amelia asks, "Can't be. There aren't any Islands anywhere near here," Nami denies. Luffy chuckles, "What's a... baratie?" Usopp asks.

The ship finally sails away from the fog and the baratie comes into view. Nami stops the boat next to a big fish ship, "Everyone is going to that fish ship."

"That smell. I think this place is a restaurant," Nami says, "Then I know what we're gonna do next," Luffy smiles. 

"Disguise the ship so that the Marines can't find us?" Nami questions, "Sail back to Syrup Village where it's safe?" Usopp adds.

"Eat?" Amelia asks, "Yes!" Luffy says turning to his first crew member. "That fish better have a bar," Zoro deadpans.

They enter the baratie and they are immediately greeted with music and the smell of food. "Welcome to Baratie. How can I help you?" A man asks, "Hi! Where do we eat?" Luffy asks excitedly.

"Do you have a reservation, sir?"

"Do we need one?"

"We're very full today. I could put you on the waiting list. It's three weeks out," the man tells Luffy, Usopp steps forward. "Maybe you want to check your book again. You wouldn't want to turn away the future King of the Pirates, would you?" he says.

"And who is that, Sir?" the man asks, "Monkey D. Luffy. Perhaps you've heard of him?" Usopp says pointing at Luffy. 

"Well, in that case, we'll find a table," The man starts, "yeah! I knew it!" Luffy exclaims. "In three weeks," The worker finishes, Amelia holds in her laugh before handing Nami some money. "You have to excuse them. They're idiots," Nami says as she slips the money into the man's palm.

"Of course. Right this way, Ma'am."

"See? Works every time."

They follow the man down the steps and to a table. Amelia sits down next to Nami at the end of the table but has to scoot over when Zoro's swords get stuck. 

"Here are your menus. Your waiter will be with you shortly," The man tells them, "Thank you, Sir," Amelia smiles.

When the man is gone Usopp speaks up, "I wonder what kind of food they have here," he says. "It smells amazing, so it has to be good," Amelia shrugs.

 "It smells amazing, so it has to be good," Amelia shrugs

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