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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞
𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟𝐲 𝐯𝐬 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐩𝐚

KIDS RUN PAST AMELIA AND NAMI. Both girls changed out of their dusty and gross outfits into something new and fresh. Nami wears a beautiful yellow plaid dress and Amelia wears a white dress with blue flowers decorating it.

Amelia's wounds have been patched up, there's a bandaid on her forehead and her shoulder is wrapped with a bandage.

"Look at how happy everyone looks," Amelia says as she looks around at the people of Coco Village as they laugh and eat food. Nami follows her gaze with a smile, "You look happy too," she notices.

Amelia looks over at her friend before glancing at the green-haired man who's talking to Sanji, "I am," she says with a smile on her lips.

"There I was completely alone, surrounded by fishmen, the Great Captain Usopp staring death in the face."

Amelia and Nami walk over to Usopp, who is in the middle of telling his story. Zoro walks over and stands beside Amelia, draping his arm over her shoulders.

"But I knew I couldn't give up the fight, not with the fate of Coco Village at stake! So I pulled out my trusty slingshot!" Usopp exclaims as he reenacts how he defeated the fishmen. "And I fired on 'em till my fingers bled. And I didn't stop until I single-handedly defeated Arlong and his deadly crew," Usopp continues, his eyes roaming around the crowd until they stop on his friends.

"With a little help, of course," He says, still looking in their direction. "I mean, I guess I wasn't completely alone."

"Three cheers for Captain Usopp! We couldn't have done it without him!" Luffy yells before cheering loudly. The whole crowd goes along with the cheers, making Usopp smile brightly. The happy look on his face melts Amelia's heart.

"Marines! Form lines!"

The crew turns around, coming face-to-face with an army of Marines. Zoro and Amelia immediately reach for the hilts of their swords.

"I'd rethink that if I were you," a man says, "So these are the Straw Hat Pirates. Huh," Garp speaks up. Amelia looks over at him, but his gaze is stuck on his grandson. "Marines, arrest them."

"Sir, the Straw Hat Pirates didn't destroy Coco Village. It was Arlong," Koby defends, Amelia slightly smiles at the sight of her friend.

"You have your orders, cadet," Garp tells him, Koby steps in front of the man. "No," he states, all eyes fall on him. "What did you say?" Garp questions, "I said no, sir," Koby repeats. "You do realize there are severe punishments for disobeying direct orders?" Garp asks.

"I disagree with those orders, sir."

Helmeppo steps forward, "Me too," he says. Amelia's mouth falls open slightly, in shock. Garp sighs, "Huh. Anyone else like to follow their lead? Or do you all want to follow orders instead?"

Marines walk up to the crew, pointing their guns at them. "If any of them move, make sure it's their last," Garp commands. Amelia glares at a Marine who holds the gun up to her chest threateningly.

"Come here, boy," Garp says to Luffy, they walk closer to each other. "I gave you every opportunity to follow my path, to become a respected Marine," Garp tells his grandson.

"But instead, you chose to become a pirate."

"No, Grandpa. I've always been a pirate," Luffy corrects him, Amelia tries to hold back a proud smile.

"No more running, boy. Last chance. Give it up," Garp says, "That's not really my thing," Luffy tells him. Garp throws his coat to a Marine behind him.

"Then show me what you've got," The man challenges, Luffy throws a punch with a loud yell. But Garp dodges and punches Luffy in his stomach instead, the boy flies backward into a pile of wood.

With a groan, Luffy gets up. "This is what you wanted, right? To be a pirate. Well, I'll show you what Marines do to pirates," Garp threatens.

Amelia is about to step forward, worried for the boy she considers her brother. But Zoro's hand clasps around her wrist before she can take a step. "Don't," he whispers, Amelia swallows thickly but complies.

"I don't want to fight you, Grandpa."

"You've been fighting me your entire life."

Garp throws a punch, but Luffy rolls away just in time- making Garp hit the pile of wood instead. Luffy swings his arm forward but misses and hits something behind Garp instead.

"When are you gonna learn that you can't win?" Garp questions, before punching Luffy in the chest-- making him fly backward once again. Luffy groans in pain but gets up off the floor as Garp walks over to him.

"I thought I trained you better than this."

"You did," Luffy says, his arms stretching out as he grabs onto two pillars opposite of each other. "Gum Gum Rocket!" he yells before he launches himself at his Grandfather.

Garp sticks out his arm, making Luffy tumble to the floor. "You don't know how dangerous the world is. The Grand Line isn't some child's game. I told you, you aren't ready," Garp tells Luffy as he picks him up from the floor and holds him up by the collar of his vest.

"You can hit me all day long... but I'm never giving up on my dream."

Garp looks up at the boy, "Is that so?" he asks. "I'm going to the Grand Line. And I will find the One Piece. And I will be... King of the Pirates," Luffy tells him before letting out a chuckle.

Garp drops his Grandson to the floor before looking up at the sky, as he starts laughing. Once he calms down from his laugh attack he looks over at Luffy, "Have it your way," he says before looking over at the Marines. "Lower your weapons! What are you all standing around for? Arlong's pirates are still on the loose. Hunt them down and arrest them," Garp orders.

The Marines all turn on their heel and walk out of Coco Village. Nezumi walks up to Garp, "What about these Straw Hats?" he asks.

"What about them?" Garp retorts, "Arrest them too! They are the real criminals," Nezumi exclaims. Nami hits him in the back of his head with her stick, making Amelia laugh at the sight of him falling unconscious.

Luffy walks up behind Garp. "I knew I'd never be able to change your mind. You're stubborn. Just like me. But I know who you are, boy. I just needed to make sure you knew it too," Garp says.

"You were testing me? Couldn't you have gone a little bit easier?"

"Where's the fun in that?" Garp asks as he walks up to Luffy. He places his hands on his grandson's shoulders, "You're on your own now," he says before patting Luffy's shoulders and walking away.

"No. I'm not," Luffy speaks up, stopping Garp in his tracks. "I have my friends," Luffy says, and Amelia smiles at him.

 "I have my friends," Luffy says, and Amelia smiles at him

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I can't believe the next chapter will be the last 💔

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