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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞

"I THINK I GOT MORE OF A BOAT BODY THAN A LONG-JOURNEY-ON-FOOT KIND OF BODY," Usopp exclaims as they walk through the tangerine grove, "Anybody else missing the ocean? No? Okay," he continues.

"I could go bring the boat around if we don't want to walk all the way back."

Amelia glances over her shoulder, "Usopp," she calls out. He looks up at her, panting heavily. "Zip it," she says with a smile.

Usopp does as he's told and the rest of the way is silent. Amelia walks in front of everybody-- leading the way. Once the house comes into view, she halts for a moment and gestures for Luffy to go first.

As they walk onto the property, the door swings open-- revealing Nojiko with a gun aimed at the crew. With a shriek Usopp hides behind Amelia, "Turn around and leave. Now," Nojiko orders. "That's what I've been saying," Usopp agrees.

"Hey, I saw you earlier. I think maybe you and I have something in common," Luffy says, Nojiko loads the gun. "I've got the gun, and you're standing in front of it," she reminds him.

"Is this really how you greet me after all these years?" Amelia questions as she steps forward and Nojiko's attention falls on the blonde. Nojiko lowers the gun slightly, "No, they said you were dead," she says shaking her head and holding up the gun again.

"Clearly she's not," Zoro mutters, "Nojiko--" Amelia starts but the blue-haired girl cuts her off. "No, you left. I don't know what your intentions are," she says before turning her gaze to Luffy again. Amelia stays quiet, she understands Nojiko's words-- after seeing your own sister betray you Amelia wouldn't trust anyone easily again either.

"What could we possibly have in common?" she asks, "Let's start with Nami, seems you know her very well," he says.

"She's a thief with no conscience. And when there's nothing left to take, she leaves and doesn't turn back. Now get off my property," Nojiko commands.

"Nami's part of our crew. She's our friend," Luffy says with a shrug. Nojiko's eyebrows furrow. "My sister doesn't have any friends. The sooner you realize that, the better," she says.

"Sisters. That makes sense. Both as beautiful as each other," Sanji speaks up. "Give it up," Zoro scoffs, "Oh, I can tell she really did a number on you guys. You're not special, and I can't help you," the blue-haired woman says.

"How about a meal?" Sanji asks, "What?" Nojiko questions confused. "An exchange of sorts for your valuable time and information."

"You cook?"

"He's a waiter."

"He's the best cook in the East Blue," Usopp exclaims, "You never tasted anything better in your life. Usopp's word!" he continues, holding up his palm.

"Ain't got much to cook with," Nojiko tells them, "Ah, you'd be surprised how much I can make with very few ingredients," Sanji informs her. "What do you say? We have a little dinner, a little conversation."

"Fine," Nojiko agrees while lowering her weapon. "But there'd better be dessert," she adds, Amelia smiles at her. The five of them walk after Nojiko, into the house and Sanji starts cooking.

"Dinner's served," Sanji announces, Nojiko immediately digs in and hums in delight. Usopp gives her a knowing look, "told ya," he grins.

"You know, this is the best thing I've eaten in my entire life," Nojiko admits, "Listen. There's plenty more where that came from, but... first we really need to know about Nami," Sanji says. Nojiko's eyes land on Amelia, who sits next to Zoro with her head on his shoulder.

The blue-haired girl takes a deep breath before telling the four across from her what happened all those years ago. Amelia's eyes gloss over as she hears the details about the terrifying day Nojiko was talking about.

The blonde takes her head off of Zoro's shoulders and grabs one of Nojiko's hands. "I'm so sorry about your mother," she whispers.

"Wait, Nami is working for the pirate that killed your mother?" Usopp questions, the girl gulps before nodding her head. "Not just mine," she says, glancing at Amelia-- who looks down at the food in her bowl.

All eyes are on Amelia now. She clears her throat and gets up, "I need some air," she announces before walking out.

Luffy and Zoro walk out soon after but Amelia is nowhere to be found.

The two boys figured she needed to be alone and climbed up a ladder, to the roof of Nojiko's house. "She was just a kid," Luffy mutters, Zoro looks over at him, "She's not anymore. She made her choice," he says.

"I'm tired of hearing about Nami from other people."

"She told you to leave, Luffy."

"So did you," Luffy reminds Zoro with an almost sad smile. "How do you know she's not one of Arlong's crew?" the green-haired man asks.

"Same way I knew you weren't gonna kill me when I cut you down from that cross. Same way I knew about Amelia, Usopp, and Sanji."

"Yeah, I don't know about that waiter," Zoro says, "I know Nami's good. She needs to know it too," Luffy says, looking up at the stars.

Next chapter is gonna be a sad one :(Hope you enjoy this story! Your comments make my day🫶

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Next chapter is gonna be a sad one :(
Hope you enjoy this story! Your comments make my day🫶

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