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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐥

AMELIA OPENS HER EYES SLOWLY, GROANING AT THE SHARP PAIN IN HER HEAD. Her hand automatically rubs the back of her scalp as she sits up.

Her eyes widen immediately as she notices where she is. Above her shines the moon, but she's not just outside. No, she's been dumped into the well. A wave of panic runs through her veins as she notices Zoro unmoving on the floor next to a dead Merry.

"Oh, my God!" she gasps as she crouches down next to her friend. "Please don't be dead, please don't be dead," the girl prays as it's too dark to see the almost unnoticeable rising and falling of Zoro's chest.

Amelia shakes him gently, her eyes are now adjusted to the darkness and she finally notices his breathing. She sighs in relief, but the panic is still evident in her actions as she shakes the man a bit more roughly.

Zoro finally sits up, a curse escaping his lips at the headache from the blow he got to his head. Without thinking Amelia embraces him, Zoro freezes for a split second before resting his palms on her back. "Thank God you're okay," she mumbles before pulling away from him.

"I genuinely thought you were dead for a moment there."

Zoro's eyes soften a little bit at the worry in her voice. "I'm not that easy to kill," he tells her, the girl chuckles before groaning as her headache becomes worse.

"You alright?" Zoro asks, Amelia looks up at him and nods. "That blue-haired bitch hit me on the head. Twice!" she exclaims annoyed. "Don't worry. Once we get out of here, we'll get her," Zoro says.

Amelia gives him a small smile before noticing a rope with a hook on the floor. "We could use that to get out," she tells him, pointing in the direction of the rope.

Zoro walks over to it and picks it up, holding the hook in his palm before gently pushing Amelia away from the opening of the well, "Don't want you getting hit in the head again, do we?"

"Yeah, that would suck."

Zoro looks at her with a ghost of a smile on his lips before focusing on throwing the hook out of the opening of the well. He throws it upward but the hook quickly comes crashing back down onto the floor.

Wordlessly he picks it up, throwing it in the air once more. When it falls to the floor again he reaches down with a grunt.

"Let me try," Amelia offers, but Zoro shakes his head and continues throwing the hook in the direction of the opening of the well. Over and over again it falls to the floor but this time before Zoro can pick it up Amelia takes hold of the hook.

"If I can't get it this time, we'll go for plan B," she tells him, Zoro nods with a sigh and lets her try. She throws the hook upward, making it fly out of the well and when it doesn't fall back down she smiles at Zoro.

However, when she gives the rope a sharp thug, the rope together with the hook comes falling back down.

"Okay. Plan B," Zoro mutters, Amelia steps forward to the wall of the well. "I'll go first," she tells him, but Zoro quickly drags her away from the wall. "No, I'll go first," he says bluntly, "But why?" Amelia complains.

"You already hit your head twice, you could have a concussion and fall down," Zoro tells her, Amelia rolls her eyes at him. "Who cares?" she scoffs, "I've done worse things in worse conditions, I got this."

"No," Zoro deadpans before taking hold of the wall. "Fine," Amelia sulks as she looks at him climbing the wall.

When Zoro is about halfway up he loses his footing, but quickly regains his composure and continues climbing.

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