v | When Things Take a Turn for the Dramatic

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I was trembling by the time I picked up my phone. Everything had happened so fast that it became surreal. I felt like an observer in my own body, watching as the scene unfolds. It was like a dream but I didn't yet know whether it was a nightmare or not.

Samuel sure didn't help with my agitated state. "What do you want?" he said after finally picking up the phone.

I bit my lip. I didn't want the excitement I felt to show. "Theo's brother, Tyler Neal. What do you have on him?"

I could hear Samuel's breathing become uneven at the mention of his name. He took a big gulp before saying, "What about him?"

"Don't play dumb with me, I know you know something," I replied, mimicking his words from earlier.

"You don't wanna go there, trust me. It's not worth it, okay?"

"Oh, but I beg to differ."

"I'm serious."

"As am I."

"Stop joking, okay?"

"I will if you tell me about Tyler."

"Don't say his name."

"Why not?" I taunted. From the way Samuel was reacting to my request, there was definitely something there and I was not going to leave without finding out.

"Just drop it okay?"

"I would but I'm not sure you'd like it, 'cause I could just hand in the work and tell the teacher that you didn't do anything. Now, that would be pretty unfortunate for you, wouldn't it?" I threatened. Hey, might as well practise my blackmailing skills while I'm at it.

Samuel sighed. "Look, all I know was he went to our school a couple years ago but got sent to juvie or some shit."

"Hm, no one really knows that they're related. It's almost as if Theo's hiding the fact he has a brother," I stated, talking to myself more than I was to Samuel. "Wait, is Tyler still in juvie?"

"I don't know, I think he might have gotten out after a few months and never came back to school."

"But where is he now?" I muttered. Speaking up, I said, "Find out where he is and what he's doing now."

"I'm not sure that's the best idea."

"Why not?"

"Whatever this guy's done must be super messed up if Theo never mentions him."

"That's precisely the point," I said, ignoring his warning. "So, get digging tea boy."

I hung up afterwards and exhaled, as if breathing was going to fix the queasiness I was suddenly feeling. I bit down on my lips harder. A secret brother. Maybe Samuel was right, maybe I shouldn't go looking in that direction. But you know me, always walking off cliffs despite the warning signs. My stomach swarmed and churned with the uneasy feeling that whatever Samuel uncovers may be a little over the top for my little blackmail and revenge plan.

The stomach also growled for another reason, the stomach was hungry.

It's hard to appreciate the bland taste of a ham and cheese sandwich unless you're starving. Though, I was always hungry so it made things easier. In conclusion, ham and cheese sandwiches are essential in order to salvage me from the edge of starvation. Okay that was a little exaggerated.

With my mouth full of said ham and cheese sandwich, I once again waited impatiently for Samuel. Now that I've thought about it, maybe I had known Theo's brother Tyler. I mean after all these years, surely, he'd popped up somewhere. If he was older than us, it would mean that he would be in college or working now. So how come no one ever mentioned that Theo had a brother?

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