xii | Fine Dining in the Dreamhouse

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I walked out of the school, tightly pulling the hood of my jacket over my head. It started to rain later that day and of course, I was stupid enough to have forgotten an umbrella.  I was also the only idiot who was walking home in the rain. The latter was a good thing since I had spent the entire day avoiding my 'boyfriend' and also my best friend. I was not about to break that streak because I couldn't handle a few droplets.

When I say droplets I kind of mean that the droplets were extra large and were falling at a speed that would qualify as 'pouring rain'. So essentially, it was pouring and I was about to get so soaked that I would never dry.

And for the record, nothing about rain is romantic. I always see those people in movies arguing in the rain when their house is literally right there. And then they kiss and it's like they're trying to catch a cold by exchanging saliva in the rain.

When you see those maniac kissing in the rain, you tell yourself that maybe love is worth a sore throat. I used to think that until I was walking home in the rain because of a stupid, meaningless kiss. Perhaps it was because I was in a sour mood, but I began to really hate love, wishing that it was a tangible being so I could beat it with a stick and set it on fire to keep me warm.

I heard someone calling my name and picked up my pace. They didn't take the hint that I didn't want to be disturbed and kept following me.

They called my name again and this time it was clear that the voice belonged to the person I least wanted to see that day.

I was running as fast as I could but I knew he was faster and would catch up to me eventually. So I reluctantly turned around. "What?" I yelled through the thick pitter-pattering of the rain.

"Let me give you a ride," he said.

"I'm fine," I said and kept walking.

Theo ran up to me again. "Come on Marnie, you can't walk in the rain," he pleaded. 

"I can and I will," I snapped. This time when I started walking again, he didn't try to follow me.

Before I had even walked a block, I was drenched and shivering. So, I decided to hide under a tree for a while to wait it out. I took off my puffer jacket and tried to squeeze out the water. I looked up for a brief moment at the tree and a large raindrop splattered right on my face.

I heard the engine of the car stop and next thing I knew Theo was running up to me. He grabbed my shoulder and turned me around so I was facing him. "If you're going to walk home then at least take an umbrella."

I took the umbrella out of his hands as another one of those fat raindrops fell on Theo's head. I don't know what had gotten into me but I couldn't stop staring at him and memorising every part of his face as if that was the last time I was going to see him. Not one detail of his face escaped my eyes. From his drenched brown hair that usually sat carelessly styled on his head and how his hazel eyes seem to change colour depending on the light. His nose wasn't perfectly straight; it was slightly crooked to the left. I saw that he actually had freckles sprinkled across his cheeks that were slightly pink. Finally, my eyes landed on his lips that seemed to be permanently in a pout and found myself wanting to tell him that his was the only lips I'd ever kissed. But I couldn't, because I didn't want to hear him say 'sorry' for the millionth time even though I was the one who kissed him.

What am I doing? I must've looked like a creep with matted hair and giant raindrops attacking me while I stood there gawking at him. I snapped out of the trance I was in and took a step back.

"You're gonna get cold." That was the last thing I mumbled before I ran away.

When I was at home, I decided to take a bath because I was soaking wet and horrendously freezing from the rain. I could finally somewhat relax myself amongst the warm bubbles. Yes, I still preferred bubble bath. Everyone always thinks that you can't like childish things once you're older but after all, little kids are the ones who are living their best life.

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