xvi | Daddy Issues or Just Issues?

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"He had nightmares for a week straight after watching Toy Story. Oh he was such a scaredy cat!" Mrs Neal was chattered.

"Mooom," Theo whined, his face red from embarrassment.

"What in the movie were you so scared of?" I asked him.

"All the toys were coming alive," Theo muttered and looked down at his plate. "Can we please talk about something else? How about we talk about Marnie?" He suggested.

My eyes widened in shock, I glared at Theo but he suddenly developed an interest with his roasted vegetables. I grinned sheepishly at Theo's parents who were looking at me, expecting me to start telling them about all my amazing life accomplishments.

"Um- I- uh-" I stuttered. I didn't know what to say. My life didn't include anything worthy to mention. I didn't have trophies and medals lined up along a wall like Theo did. Nothing I ever accomplished could deserve to have a spotlight shone on it. Come to think of it, the whole blackmailing scheme and my revenge plan was probably the best achievement of my bland life.

I remained silent because I knew that I was not good enough for someone like Theo.

"So Marnie, are you going to say something?" Mr Neal said in an almost demanding tone.

I picked at the blisters on my hands nervously. My leg was bouncing underneath the table. With every heavy breath I took, the whole room spun and my vision became clouded. Great, I was so good at choosing the best times to have a panic attack. I gripped at my hand to stop it from shaking. In my head, I kept forcing myself to stop being an embarrassment and say something but no words would come out.

Through my hazed senses I felt Theo take my hand in his. I looked up at the sudden warmth and met his reassuring gaze. He didn't need to say anything and I was already slowly receding from my previous state of panic.

"Well um, what do you want to know?" I asked slowly.

"Why don't you tell us how you and Theo met?" Mrs Neal exclaimed.

I cringed on the inside. Cheesy stories about love give me second-hand embarrassment. Maybe that's why I never bothered finding a real boyfriend; I didn't want to have to see people gush over our relationship.

"We were partners for a chemistry project," I recited the backstory Samuel came up with for me.

Mrs Neal smiled sweetly at me, flashing me her pearly white teeth. "Aw, isn't that sweet," she gushed dramatically. She reminded me of a cake so sweet that it makes you want to regurgitate it and all the sweetness it holds. And that sweetness was all artificial; made from layers of chemicals.

Mr Neal, meanwhile, merely nodded his head in registration before wiping his mouth with a napkin and clearing his throat. "I trust the project went well," he simply stated.

"It was only to study so..."

"Then did you study?"

"Yes sir," I gulped. I felt compelled to call him 'sir' from the way he spoke to me. I hate calling people 'sir' or 'ma'am' because I don't want them to think they're superior to me. It's wrong how some people think they're more superior and others have to automatically bow down to them for no reason.

"Theo's recent grade in that chemistry quiz was disgraceful, to say the least."

"It was only a practice test."

"And he's pulled out of his competition over a minor injury."

"He was in pain."

"That was not for you to decide."

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