Chapter 1

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"Finally I am home" thought Genisis Porter as she was walking from her car to her front door. A blindingly bright light lit up surrounding the 23 year old woman and then she passes out.

"Ugh, My head" grumbled Genisis, "What the hell happened?" "My head is pounding and I'm pretty sure my eyeballs are gonna fall out" she groans under her breath"

"Did I forget to close my curtains last night?" She groans again and rolls over to reach for her cell phone on the nightstand to check the time, and realizes that she can't feel her night stand much less her cell phone.

She barely opens her eyes to try to find her phone and gasps at what she sees. Her eyes pop open wide at the huge forest she is laying in.

She looks around herself and realizes that she doesn't recognize the area, she can't even tell what kind of trees are surrounding her, as she is looking around she realizes that her senses seem to be enhanced somehow.

"What the hell ?"
"Did I drink the "Super" Cool-Aid?"
"I mean really, what happened to me last night?" She thought to herself.

The young woman finally starts to look around and notices how keen her eyesight is, and the noises of the birds and small animals sound so much louder and wait, she can tell the difference between animals by their scents.

"Whoa" she says in a hushed voice. All of a sudden she can smell something that smells like caramel and vanilla on the slight breeze, she doesn't think and starts to follow the delicious scent, she is in a daze as she blindly follows the intriguing scent.

The young woman doesn't realize that her ears are no longer regular human ears they are now on top of her head and she has grown a tail that slowly swings as she walks, her face is also different than before she has a felines features including the muzzle and whiskers.

As she is following the intriguing scent she notices a river not too far away and she walks over to get a drink, she crouches down to scoop some water into her hands and as she looks into the water she sees her reflection and realizes that she is different, she shouts in alarm and stumbles back quickly and loses her balance causing her to fall down on her booty and on top of her tail causing her to squeak in pain.

She looks down at her hands and sees that she has claws like a khajit would.

"Oh wow I must be in Tamriel somewhere, I am a Khajit," on further inspection she notices that she is covered in soft fur resembling the coloring and markings of a Siamese cat, she gingerly gets back up off the ground and slowly walks back towards the river to look again at her reflection.

She slowly looks at herself in the reflection of the water and thinks to herself" I wish I knew where I am". 'Ping' "Player please make your character profile ". A mysterious voice inside her head suddenly speaks.
"Uh wait, Am I in a video game?". She asks the disembodied voice. 'Ping' "No, you are in the world of the Beastman "

" Please create your character profile"

" Starting with what you want your character race to be proceed to mentally input your choices to start."

'Ping'. She thinks about what she wants and feels a sudden breeze, the changes are immediate.

She has all this knowledge about being a magic user and rogue trained in her head, she knows how to transform into her beast form and when she wants to be her human self everything changes but her ears and tail, she chose to be in the leopard clan and she is able to use her beast pressure already but it is weak as she is only a 1 moon.

All male beastmen are able to earn a symbol of rank as they grow in power, the symbol they gain depends on what type of Beastman they are, since Genisis is of the Leopard clan her symbol is the moon. She is low rank and so it shows in her moon , every time a Beastman ranks up their mark changes to show how high they are in rank, it is very rare for a female to have a mark of rank, the females are so spoiled that they rarely have any marks other than a mate mark.

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