Chapter 37

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The next day is chaotic and super busy, there were constant little dilemmas and little issues to take of and before you know it a week goes by and Niam is still courting Genisis, she wants to wait a little longer to mate with him because she is again feeling nauseous and has been throwing up, she is pretty sure that she is pregnant again and hasn't got it confirmed by Anders yet.

A huge hunting party has stopped by her little city, Encto City is very busy these days and since the hunting party wanted to trade for salt they decided to try their luck here since Encto city is so close to the sea.

They are in awe of the market and arena, their city was pretty big but they don't have a market this big and there isn't an arena at all. They also hoped to maybe find a female to mate, but unfortunately there wasn't many females here. And the females that were here didn't interest them.


Genisis and her males are out checking on the city and greeting everyone that now lives there when they ran into the rather large hunting party.

The Beastmen were rambunctious and loud as they excitedly looked around the huge market, there were beastmen of every type selling things in stalls throughout the market, and almost anything you could think of was there to trade.

It was almost a one stop shop to find everything anyone could need, and it was all in one place.

It looked like every large city had traders here. It was so busy that you could get easily lost.

The Beastmen had a good hunt so they decided to stay a little while and rest before trading for what they needed and then they would return to their home.

The word was spreading about Encto City and the Market and arena were hot topics of conversations.

Genisis really needed something for her nausea, and had finally broken down and had Anders check her over.

Surprise, surprise, she thought, to herself, she was definitely pregnant once again!  Go me! She thinks as she is fighting her gag reflex. 

And guess who the father(s) is this time? Anders wouldn't say, he thought it should be a surprise, he teased her about it.

Of course her raging hormones had her pissed off then she was in tears straight afterwards.

She thumped Anders on his chest, "Stop teasing me!" She cried..

She is finally told that Azura is definitely the father and she will again be having eggs. This time there are 4 Eggs, and two of them seem to possibly be girls, which is why Anders is so happy.
Since girls being born is so rare, it is a highly celebrated event.

They triple security and have guards constantly move from one spot to another with stationary guards stationed every few feet surrounding the city, guards are inside and outside trying to keep everything covered with no gaps.

They are so sure that everything is accounted for.

But little do they know that there is always a way for someone with the determination to find a loophole. And of course why not try?
The Spider Monkey Beastman was born stealthy and sneaky.
He was watching the city for days and had the guard patrols routine down.

Until everything changed, there was no way to predict the guards movements, so he sat another week observing just to have them change it all over again. It was almost like someone was watching him as he watched the city, he was determined to get the hidden treasure that was protected by the city guards.

There was in fact great treasure in the city, it just wasn't what the Beastman watching the city thought it was. It was a priceless treasure. It was the only one of it's kind.

And Genisis was the only one who knew what the treasure is.

And no one can force the information from her, she has to voluntarily speak of it, she doesn't want to tell anyone other than her males for now. After the announcement of the birth of their kits, they decide to go back to the memory cavern and take Aogaeru to see if he has ever seen anything like it before in his life.

He is in awe when they make it to the history walls in the great cavern, he tells Genisis and her males that he heard of there being records like these before but that had been when he was young, he is one of the few beastmen left alive with memories of them, but he hadn't ever seen them with his own eyes and just heard about them through stories told when he was but a young kit.

The fact is the stories that were told had been lost to time as had the locations of these memory walls.

So when Genisis told him that she and her mates found this one, he had been sceptical until he actually saw it with his own eyes, he immediately got on his knees and stared with tears running down his face with joy in his heart.

The walls changed as each event was etched into the rock walls of the cavern. There were pictures going back to the beginning of the beastworld and the first ever beastmen.

It was a living history told in pictures, it showed every great achievement and every great war ever fought. It showed each pivotal moment. And then it showed the events that have happened to Genisis since her arrival in the beastworld.

Back at Encto city......

The spider monkey Beastman was still watching when the rather large group of beastmen left the city and he thought it would be his chance to sneak in while the guards were distracted talking to the group that was leaving the city.

He made it through the outskirts of the city without being caught, but when he got close to the palace he was caught quickly by the guards at the gate, but he wasn't anywhere near that gate, he was in the shadows perfectly hidden.

He didn't understand how he had been caught, he had never been caught before, he didn't know that Genisis forewarned the city guards to watch out for him and where they would catch him.

It was unbelievable to him that he was caught so easily.

They had put him in a room that had only one way in and he couldn't even climb out, the room was made with Beastmen like him in mind, it was a huge room with no doors, no windows, no bars, just blank smooth earthen walls and a hole in the ceiling that a ladder was lowered into to get in and out.

Even if they were a type of flying Beastman the door covering the hole in the ceiling was really heavy and took alot of strength to open, the door was heavy and the sheer weight of it kept it closed.

He is determined however to escape. He wracks his brain to figure out how to escape.

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