Chapter 32

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Laughter and then snorting, She can't believe that this pompous male is demanding to see her, she is laughing so hard that she is snorting and then she is holding her sides and shaking from laughing.

It takes her a few minutes to calm down. "You demand???" She says and snorts  "Who are you that you think you can demand anything from my city?" "You don't get to demand anything from anyone in this city, you may get your way wherever you are from, but you don't get to demand anything from this city or it's people."

The male looks at her in total shock, he is unused to females talking to him in that manner, he is standing there with his mouth hanging open in shock.

He looks her up and down and says with a sneer on his face.
"I am not here for any of you common females, I distinctly asked for the princess, so take your common self back to whatever nasty, common cave you crawled out of."

The guards pull themselves up straight and puff out their chests, "You have no idea who you are talking to, do you, that will cost you."

Genisis leaned over to the closest guard by her and whispered into his ear that they were to charge the nasty little princeling triple the crystals to be admitted to the city and to also have them charged triple the cost of where they stay and the same triple price at the market and entrance to the arena.

She will let him inside the city but she will not see him until she decides that she is ready.

She turns to the arrogant little princeling and snorts, "Pay the entrance fee and go about your business, but the princess has a extremely full schedule."  "Just be aware that you can be removed from this city at anytime for any reason that the princess decides upon."

She looks him up and down with  a severe frown on her face, "Good luck arrogant little princeling, you will definitely need it." She snorts again and walks away from him still laughing.

She turns back around after taking a few steps and says with a smile on her face, "Oh, and by the way, this male is Cisco and he is the Princess's male, he will show you around the city."

Shaking her head at his extreme stupidity in angering her and her males, she strides away swinging her hips and crooks a finger at the rest of her mates, "Lets go home my lovers." She says with a wicked look in her eyes.

Cisco is really pissed off now, he walks up to Genisis and gently grabs her by the chin and tells her quietly "My little filly, you both piss me off and please me at the same time, do you know how much trouble you are in when I get done with the little boy prince?".

"But I will take care of you AFTER I show this male all around the city and we will be finishing the tour in the arena, I do thank you for the chance to teach him the error of his ways."

"And apparently you will need a lesson when I return home, But don't you worry, Daddy will make sure you learn your lesson well."

By the time he is finished speaking she is dripping wet and horny enough that she whines and squeezes her legs together, she starts rubbing her legs together to get the friction she needs to help with her pulsating clit.

She is so wet that her desire is starting to run down the insides of her legs.

Cisco takes in a deep breath and smirks, "ah ah ah, and no touching yourself little filly or you will have a punishment." He says. 

Right after that he looks deep into her eyes and then he lets her go, and strides away towards the gate where the Little princeling
is impatiently waiting.

Cisco takes another deep breath in and calms himself down, he wants nothing more than to rip the males legs and arms from his body, and then he will take Genisis's cunt right in front of this really annoying princeling, but then he really doesn't want to explain himself to his female, so he just calms himself down and smiles at the male.

He tells the male his name is Cisco and then he leads him and his two friends off to show them the city, the city has grown rather quickly and it takes him hours to show them around.

When he gets to the boarding house, he tells the owner to charge the males triple the usual amount and tells him that he needs to tell all of the Beastmen in the market to charge the same and also to charge the arrogant princeling triple the cost if he goes to the arena while he is here.

He loves that his female is so smart to have that idea, but he still feels like taking it out of the princeling Kit's hide for his attitude and words to Genisis.

Snagbruic honestly couldn't believe that the little female talked to him that way, he does think that she was more beautiful than any other female he has ever seen before, but he was here for the princess and he couldn't be with a commoner female no matter how beautiful she is, he is royalty and only a female that is royalty is good enough for him.

But he is a magpie Beastman and he can't help but be attracted to shiny and beautiful things, and that female was shiny and beautiful.
Too bad she isn't royalty he thinks to himself.

Once again he drags himself out of thoughts of the little female at the gate, to realize that the big mate of the princess was standing there staring at him with a strange look on his face.

He flaps his hands at the male in a shooing motion and taps his foot impatiently.

The male grins and says "Here is the boarding house where you will sleep while in our city, I have to get back to my mate, so sleep well!"  He abruptly turns and leaves before Snagbruic can get a word out.

Snagbruic looks around and is upset by his accomodations.

He is appalled that he isn't being housed in the palace, he is royalty and he is better than these common Beastmen, he deserves to stay in the palace.

He decides that it is getting too late to trudge all the way across the city to the palace, so he will just have to make arrangements the next day light time to get proper rooms that are fit for someone of his station.

He is surprised that the price to stay here is so exorbitant, and he argued with the owner for an hour before paying and going to his room to sleep, he makes his two servants pay for their own rooms.

He is so tired from yelling that he is about to fall asleep standing up, so he tries not to look around too much and lays down drifting off to sleep as soon as his head is on the furs.

The next morning, he is awoken to loud banging and voices that sound like they are all yelling at the same time and it sounds like it is all being done right into his sensitive ears. 

He gets off of his furs and looks around to find that he has a steaming tub of bath water already waiting for him.

He takes a long leisurely bath, and when he gets out of the tub, the water has turned cold and he finds a very small drying fur to wrap around himself, it is in fact barely covering his dick and balls, it looks almost like it was a squirrel skin hide.

He holds the little scrap to cover himself and walks out of the bathing area to see the female from the day before sitting atop of his furs and cleaning under her nails with his favorite bone knife.

She looks up at his entrance and Bursts out laughing. 

"That is one small covering ,and it covers all of your junk with room to spare!" she laughs

He is turning red with anger....
and just as he inhales to tell the female to leave and not return, he breathes in her delectable scent and his dick is instantly harder than it has ever been before....the little drying skin is rising up and .....

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