Chapter 3

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Ash carries her to the healer's hut, after they step inside Ash places Genisis on a small pile of furs and yells for the healer, a tall thin man hurries in from a back room, and asks " What happened?!?!" , "Female who hurt you?"

"She wasn't hurt by any of us!" Ash said defensively

"I was climbing in a tree and got scratched when I was getting higher in the tree, I was going to defend myself against whoever I was being chased by!" Said Genisis "I couldn't see who was chasing me, but I could hear them, I thought it was just Ash chasing me but now I am not so sure."

Ash said that he could remember a different smell on the air but it was faint and he was so preoccupied with Genisis that he completely forgot the smell. Now that Genisis reminded him, he thinks about the scent and tries to identify it.

The Healer asks Genisis where all she has injuries, she says on her arms and hands and on her legs, but that they are just scratches and all she needs is a bandage and she will take care of them herself.

The healer, Anders is shocked by the female in front of him, she is beautiful, he also noticed that she is some type of feline, he stands there dazed, not hearing that the beautiful female is talking to him.

Genisis is smiling at the handsome healer, She asks him again if he has any bandages for her scratches, He shakes his head as if to wake himself up and blushes as he realizes that the female has been talking to him the whole time he was lost in his thoughts.

Genisis smiles gently at the healer as he finally gets himself together, he smiles back at Genisis and says "My name is Anders and I am more than happy to help you in any way that I can." "Please let me bandage your injuries, it is my job you know, also Can I be your Male?" " I am a ranked beast even if all I do is heal others I can still take care of and protect you as your mate, I know most healers aren't ranked but I am, please give me a chance?"

Genisis looks him over and decides to give him a chance.
" You may court me, if you wish to, but I want to get to know you better before mating, I want us both to be comfortable with being together forever, will you court me?"

He doesn't give it any thought and replied that he wants to court her. She is unlike any female he has ever met in the many years he has been a healer.

Ash is stunned that Genisis asked Anders to be her mate and not him, he starts to protest and quickly moves to Genisis and in between her and the healer, he looks down at her and asks "Why?" "Why him and not me?" He almost looks as if tears are gathering in his eyes.

She responds "He asked me, he didn't claim me in front of others and he was respectful, I told you I would have been ok with you courting me, I am ok with you courting me if you won't just claim me as you did before!" " I am not an object to be claimed, I am a thinking, breathing, feeling being and I won't be treated otherwise!"

She looks back at the healer and asks him gently "What is your name?" He smiles "Anders, my soon to be mate!" Ash hurriedly says "I need no time to think it over I want to court you!" "Please!"

Genisis looks at Ash and thinks it over, she decided that it might be good to let them both court her, but she wants to have Anders as her first mate, the head male in her harem, she likes Ash as well even if he is a bit arrogant. She just doesn't think Ash will be a good fit as head male, he is still young, arrogant and immature.

She tells them that she wants their marks close to her heart so until they all get to know each other they will not mate. Both of them are just happy she will mate them at all, the females they have met never appealed to them but Genisis does and they are already in love with her, most females are so pretty on the outside but they are selfish and cruel, lazy and thoughtless on the insides it makes their outside beauty not so pretty anymore. Genisis is not like that all she is beautiful outside and in, a rare female in this savage beastworld.

Little do they all know the are being spied on.....
Outside the village is a Beastman that was following Genisis in the forest he wants her and thinks to himself a plan to get her, he is a smart and cunning beast, he will win the female over, he listens in on the conversation and makes his plans, he was returning to his village when he scented her and followed her scent, he was the one who made the noise she heard and he hid, she apparently didn't see him and assumed that the Lion made all the noise, better for him to learn more about the enticing female Genisis, such a unique name!

He kept listening until they left the hut, he would return and learn more soon.

Meanwhile in Anders hut, the two males were getting to know Genisis and she was getting to know them, she said that she would make a decision by the end of a week and then if they agreed they would mate then.

They talked about everything under the sun, moon and stars, and the later it got the sleepier Genisis got, she finally asked where she could sleep for night?
The healer's hut had a couple extra beds for injured beastmen and Anders gave her his bed and he would sleep in one others, Ash also stayed the night just to be near Genisis.

The next week flew by as the three spent every moment they could together, they did everything together except for peeing and/or pooping and then it was time to decide if they still wanted to be her mates, She took them out of hearing distance of the village and told them that there were differences to her than other females, she told them she was more fertile than the other females and that she was born on another world, she was brought here by the beast deity and she was happier here, she never wanted to leave beastworld. She made them promise to never betray her by telling anyone else about her, she asked them again if they were sure that they wanted to mate her? "Of course we do!" they both said, "We both love you!", Ash said and Anders shook his head Yes as Ash spoke.

They decided to mate that night, then they were going to move before it turned cold in the white months. Ash told his father and his father was so happy for him and wished them the best for their future together.

The stalker knew he would have to follow the female so he could finally approach her with his gifts and ask to court her properly. He waited and finally got up the nerve to approach her, she was startled at first when he appeared out of the darkness, but when Genisis looked him over she was in awe of his beauty, his fur was pitch black and his eyes were emerald green and sparkly, he was rumbling a purr at her attention, he quickly morphed to his Beastman form and put on a fur to cover his nakedness, he knelt in front of the bemused female and asked to court her.

Genisis was shocked at the events and unsure what to say at first but then she really looked at the Beastman in front of her and decided why not I need to be mates and also I need to have beastmen courting me to get my rewards, I can always say no to mating if we don't get along, she thought to herself.

Meanwhile her soon to be mates were not so sure that she should let this unknown Beastman to be around her, he didn't seem feral but he could be hiding it.
They started asking him questions about himself and when he had answered to their satisfaction the female and the two lions talked and decided that yes he could court her.

She would let him court her for a week and then decide if they would mate.
He was so happy and said " I will treat you like the Queen you are my love, my name is Jasper and my father is the Panta village chief, I am next in line to be chief but my younger brothers can do that because I would rather be with you than be chief!"

The whole time the four of them were talking Ash was trying to identify the scent from when he first met Genisis, and he realizes that it was coming from the Panther, he tells Genisis quietly in her ear to scent Jasper and tell him if it was indeed the same scent as when he found her in the forest?

Genisis pulls in a breathe of Jasper's scent and realizes that it was the same scent she was following from the beginning from the river to the forest, she asks Jasper when was the first time he saw her? He said he first saw her in a field then he was following her until he lost her in the forest, he wasn't brave enough to approach her at that time so he waited until now.

She didn't know what to think, but she loved his scent and so she asked him if he was marked, and he showed her he was marked with five claws on his upper right arm close to his shoulder.

He told them he was staying close by and he would leave with them in the morning, the soon to be mates left and went back to the healing hut for the night.

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