Chapter 35

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  Enoch is surprised that the female is being true to her word.
He tells them that since it is so urgent that he will personally bring the ailing king back to be seen by her.

He then leaves and gets to his city in two days time, he tells the king that the Queen has asked for him to be brought to her side and that she will personally see to trying to heal him.

The king is so weak that he has to be transported by four of the strongest males in his city, they use a net to transport him to the Queen.

It takes another two days to get back because of his condition they don't stop until they reach her city. the king is taken directly to the palace, the guards lead them to a large room with a huge fur pile bed in the center of the room. The queen Genisis herself is awaiting their arrival.

Genisis looks at the ailing king and sees immediately that if she doesn't help, he will die.

She places both her hands on his chest and feels with her healing the things that are wrong, she lets her healing magic guide her until he has been fully healed.

After she healed him she passes out, her mates rushed to catch her as she fell, but run into each other and fall to the floor in a large mass of flailing bodies.
Luckily the King (Niam) catches her before she hits the ground.

Niam had sat up, and he was just about to stand when she started to fall, he quickly rushed to catch her. 

When she wakes up she finds herself really confused, she had another dream and it was a dream about Niam and her being mates, she thought that she was going to be mated to Snagbruic, but this dream shows that she is mated to him and his father Niam, She didn't think that she could handle two more mates but her dreams seem to say differently.

She then decides to ask all the questions she hadn't yet, she decides to call upon the beast deity.

She calls to the beast deity in her mind and asks him for his guidance.  She finds herself transported to a large field that is completely full of flowers. She looks around in total amazement and tears slide down her cheeks as she looks around the field.  She sees a silhouette of a large Sphinx and timidly approaches.

The Sphinx is huge, he motions with his large front paw to approach him. She is hesitant at first, but slowly walks to him.

He looks at her and his voice fills her mind, she is startled at first but as she listens she realizes that the voice she hears inside her head is very familiar to her.

She thinks to herself, where have I heard your voice before?
She hears a chuckle, then the voice responds "I am the Beast Deity, but you may call me Father."

She isn't overly surprised that the Beast Deity is a Sphinx.
After all the legends and stories she has read about the Sphinx, always said they were huge and wise.

But she never dreamed that they were real, in fact she always wondered if they weren't real at some point why did the ancient Egyptians have so many statues and murals depicting the Sphinx?

"Anyway you were saying?"
"Wait?" "Father?" "What do you mean Father?" She asks

He chuckles and replies "I claimed you as my own that is why when you first looked at your reflection in the river you appeared as a feline, after you arrived in beastworld, I gave you some of my essence and that made you biologically mine."

"You were reborn here as my heir, my first born child, I didn't have the heart to tell you this before, but you actually died on your world and I grabbed your spirit and pulled it to here in the beastworld and placed it inside of a vessel made from my essence." He further explains

"I assumed that you would retain your personality and I am happy that I was right in my assumption."

"I knew that you would be the one to help save my beautiful beastworld."

"I also was watching you live your life on earth and I thought you deserved a better life than what you had there."

"I truly hope that you are not upset or disappointed about what I have just told you." He finishes.

The whole time Genisis was in the beastworld she never considered going back, now she knows that she couldn't even if she had wanted to.

She isn't upset at all, "I am not upset or disappointed at all Father, I actually never even thought of returning, I didn't have anyone or anything in my life that is worth losing all that you have given me, I could never leave my mates or my children behind." She smiles gently at him.

"When you wake up you will have another mark of rank and also you will have a mark, a mark that has only been given to you, a mark of royalty, I won't tell you what it will look like, I will leave it as a surprise". He says with a chuckle and a mysterious smile.

She is surprised that he has done so much for her, she has been talking to him about so much and then she remembered all of the questions that she has for him.

"Father, can I ask you a question?"
He nods yes.
"Can you tell me why I had a dream I was mated to the prince Snagbruic, and then I had another dream that I was mated to his father King Enoch, which one is true?"

He looks at her and answers
"You tell me which one is true?"

She looks at him in confusion, " I thought that you were sending me the dreams, but you can't tell me which is true?" She asks

He looks at her with a enigmatic expression on his face.
"I didn't give you that power, it must have been a dormant power, I have had so many powers over my long life that I have forgotten a few things here and there." "My powers tend to change over the centuries as I age there are only three powers that I always have, telepathy, teleportation, and the power over nature's elements. I suspect that your powers will evolve as you age." He tells her one last thing before she wakes up "I have one last confession for you........."

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