Chapter 8

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Genisis is listening into the conversation that her males are having with the two unknown males, the two males introduced themselves to her males and ask them "We have heard rumors of a beautiful and kind female and were hoping to find out if these rumors are true. King Akela of the city Canis wants to extend an invitation to this female and if she is mated, to her males as well to please come to Canis as his royal highnesses guest of honor." "He would like to meet this female and extend and invitation to join our beautiful city!"

Genisis is getting suspicious of the things that she is hearing, so she decides to keep out of sight and wait to see what happens next.

The two strangers continue on with their conversation and tell Genisis's males that they are camping close by and if they and the female agree to "please come with the female to meet them."

Genisis waits until she knows the strange males have left the area and she quietly follows them back to their camp. They are in fact fairly close to the last village that they just left and she watches them as they make their camp in a small cave nearby.

The next morning is bitter cold and snow has started to fall, it is sooner than she thought, the white time is here, time to get to the big city and stay till the heat season, or at least the flower season, either way, it was time to go, she decides to mate that nightfall then get to the big city.

Genisis returns to her mates and they have a family meeting, Ash, Anders, Jasper, Mizu and Genisis all talk about the past few days events meeting the two strangers, Genesis had decided to allow Mizu to court her, but again events moved quickly and she and Mizu mated while at Jasper's home village, after they reach Canis city, they will purchase a home close to the outskirts of the city.

Mizu is more than thrilled to be Genisis's male and wanted to mate right away, but Genisis wanted him to be sure so asked him to get to know her better before mating, also the night before she mated with all of her mates she tells them of her coming from another land and how her fertility is different than other females.

She made each of them promise on the beast deity not to tell anyone who wasn't in their family. She was sure that if the wrong Beastman were to find out that she could be in danger of being forced to breed over and over.

She would fight to the death to prevent that from happening and she tells all of her mates that too.

Mizu is ready to mate the beautiful Genisis, but when it is time he is so nervous that he almost can't get hard, well, until he sees Genesis and watching her drop her furs one at a time until she is standing completely naked and with hard nipples and a wet, hot and slick pussy waiting for him to fill. He starts by running his hands up her body starting at the tips of her toes and licking, nibbling and lightly sucking on her skin until he reaches her lips and as he covers her body with his body he also swallows her moans down with his mouth.

He kisses her over her toes, up her legs from one leg to the other, licks and nibbles his way up her stomach to her breasts, onto her neck where he nips the skin in between her shoulder and her throat, leaving just a little nick in her tender, soft skin.

Mizu takes his time making love to her, he slowly pushes himself inside her hot, wet and tight pussy, it feels so good he almost cums right after he is finally fully inside of her.

He is so surprised that he is almost unable to hold back, he is a mer for waves sake, he is well past his youthful stamina and should last far longer than this, he thinks to himself.

He waits until her body adjusts to his long thick cock before he starts moving into a slow but hard thrusting, Mizu makes sweet love to his mate for hours, he finally cums himself after making her cum uncountable times and he cleans them both up and they cuddle together and fall asleep exhausted.

They didn't even wait to get to the city before Mizu and Genisis mated. They are 2 Days away from the city when they run into another group of travelers who are also on their way to Canis city, it is a group of males who had gone to another city for trade, when they saw Genesis and her mates they asked to join them traveling back to Canis city as it would be safer for them all, in case there are any Rouge/feral Beastman lurking around.

So the two groups of travelers decided to combine into one group for more safety.

Meanwhile the spies for the king found themselves trailing behind Genisis and her mates, they finally got a glimpse of the female and sent word back to King Akela is anxiously waiting for the new female to be there, his spies have told him just enough about the female to whet his curiosity.

He is excited thinking about the small amount that his spies have told of the female named Genisis.

He can't wait to see her for himself, he can't wait to see if she is just like she has been whispered about, and he hopes that she is the female he has been wanting and waiting for his whole life.

Genisis gets more and more excited by the footstep and she can hardly contain her excitement as she starts seeing the outside walls getting closer and closer, step by step, she can't wait!

It is Sundrop when the tired group makes it to the gate where they are stopped by the guards, "Stop! The city is closed for the dark, come back at light time, unless you have permission from the king come back at first light time."

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