Chapter 13

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"Oh no!" "What do you mean it is a mixture of kits???" There are how many?" "And how many of you are the fathers?"

"Well there are 4 kits and each kit has a different father, oh and they are all males, we are so happy" said Anders

"One is from Me, one is from Kintaro, one is from Mizu and the last one is from Akela. Thank you so much sweet one." Anders says with happy tears in his eyes.

"So apparently I still have to give Ash and Jasper their own kits huh?" "Wow"

"We will have so much fun giving you our kits" Ash whispers into her ear, he then sucked on a spot on her neck and lightly bit down causing her to moan loudly.

Jasper is on her other side with his hands on her ass squeezing gently, he also is nibbling on her neck. They all start getting horny until, Akela remembers the strange Beastman waiting on him and his queen, he was told that the matter he was there to discuss was urgent, and Akela hopes it isn't more bad news.

After a small argument where they all decided that the only way Genisis would be going to see this unknown Beastman that they were all going to protect her if needed, the four reasons Genisis agreed were inside her womb and that was the only reasons. She assured her overprotective males that she was taking care of herself just fine before any of them came along and after the kits were born she would be more than happy to prove it. But to make them all feel better she would accept their unneeded protection.

The group made their way into the room with the unknown Beastman and Azura was surprised so many males came, he couldn't see the queen until the group sat down with the female in between them, she was tiny compared to all of the males surrounding her, she was also beautiful.

Azura tried to keep from staring at her, but it was hard, he had to tell the king about the hoard of ferals heading their way and time was growing short.

He tells the king his news and is surprised when Akela tells him that they already knew, that was why they are all so busy, now they even have to fight harder since the queen is pregnant with kits and they have to protect her even more now!

Genisis however thinks that they are going overboard totally overboard, overprotective and kinda whiny as well. She thinks they will only get worse though the closer she gets to having these babies.

Azura is now sure that this female is the one he wants to mate, he is absolutely sure that he can get her to accept him into her family easily. He doesn't know that she knows him from her dreams and she isn't at all sure she wants him.

Azura asks the female if she will have him as a mate too?

He is baffled when she said she wasn't sure he would be a good fit for her family, she also tells him she doesn't mate right away that she usually has a male court her so they can get to know each other well before mating, she has to talk it over with her mates before she even considers letting him court her.

The king thanks him for bringing the warning and tells him if he is really sure he wants to mate with Genisis that he should either stay here in the city and help with the battle coming, or he can just leave until the battle is over, but he tells Azura he would recommend staying and helping, also he said that Genisis doesn't like arrogant or vain males.

Azura tells the king thank you for the advice and that he will be returning with all of his belongings to move into the city to help with the coming battle.

On his flight back Azura thinks over everything he has been told and decides to at least try to prove himself worthy of courting the female, he thinks maybe he has too much pride and if he can overcome that then he might be worthy of Genisis and that maybe he is a little bit arrogant and prideful and to have this female he will change.

He gets back to his village and packs just enough supplies to last a couple of weeks, he does plan on coming back to gather the rest of his belongings after the threat to the city and hopefully his mate to be is dealt with, he only hopes he can convince Genisis to take him into her family, and if that happens he hopes when her breeding time comes again maybe she will grant him some kits too.

He finishes gathering his things and goes to the town elder to tell him that he is going to be gone awhile and that he will return to trade in this town again soon.

But that he hopes that his chosen female will also choose him for her family, and then he might not come back here to live just to maybe trade. It all depends on the female and what she wants. He is surprised that his feelings about a female are so strong so quickly but, he has decided he will do whatever he has to to be with her and be a part of her family.

He realizes that maybe all it will take for him to change is Genisis.
Strange thought since he never saw a female as his before Genisis. He just hopes that he can convince her of his commitment to her and that he will change for her.

Back at Cairn City, Genisis is lost in thoughts about the future and hopes that the city can withstand the ferals coming.

She wishes that she knew the reason they are coming here to attack this peaceful city. She hopes that the walls can hold them out and that if not she hopes they can be defeated easily.

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