Chapter 2

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"Holy Shit-monkey, how did I not notice he is completely naked til just now". "

Should I ask him to get dressed or should I just enjoy the free show?" Genisis is thinking things over and decided to enjoy the show.

They are walking towards the village and they are lost in their own thoughts, so lost in thought she doesn't notice that they have reached a medium sized village.

Genisis finally notices that they have reached Ash's village as she can hear conversation about Ash and the "Beautiful" female that is walking by him.

"Who is that female?" and " I hope that female will take me as a mate" she hears a lot of similar things being said as Ash leads her through the village, Ash hears it all too and he growls, and says " This is my female, so back off!"

Genisis is starting to get mad at Ash for his jealous behavior but decides to talk to him in private instead of yelling at him in public. She followed him to the largest hut in the village.

The largest hut in the village is the Chiefs home and Ash is the son of the chief, Ash yells to his father as they walk into the darkened hut, "Father I need the healer to come and see to my female, she is injured!" Ash was really starting to piss Genisis off by telling everyone that she is his female, "I am not YOUR female Ash, if you don't stop saying that I leave and find another village to get my supplies from!" Genisis growls

A older version of Ash walks out from a doorway that is covered by an animal skin, he blinks at the sight of his son and Genisis standing in the large round room.

"Who is the delectable female son?" Chief Blaze asks "Did you say this is your female?"
Before Ash can answer, Genisis stomps her foot and growls out" NO he is NOT my male!" " I have NO males yet, I was going to tell him he could court me, but if this behavior keeps up I will not let him court me, there are other males that might be interested in courting me that will not say these things, maybe I should leave here and not come back!"

" As I have said before I need no males for protection, I have gone my whole life without needing anyone."Genisis grumbled

Ash and Blaze look at each other and try to calm this precious little female.

"Please don't leave, and I won't say I am your male again until after we mate." Pleaded Ash

"I am sure that you can take care of yourself female, but please don't leave, think of the added protection this village can give you if you stay here, maybe you will find a male that you want here." Said Blaze

" Ugh, FINE maybe I will rest here tonight and leave tomorrow" "I am pretty tired and I do hurt from my injury, oh yeah where is this healer at? I will go get this cut looked at."

She turns around and leaves the hut, she sees a lot of males standing around and trying to get a glimpse of her, she asks the first male that she sees closest to the hut where the healer is at, The male's eyes go wide, "are you asking me sweet female?" " Yes" she replied "I will take you there, if you would let me help you.".
Genisis thanks the male and he seems shocked, "You are such a nice and beautiful female" he replies in shocked amazement

"This way, oh I should carry you there, since your leg is injured " he says with worry in his voice

Genisis tells him that she is fine and that if would just lead the way she can walk.

Ash comes up and picks her up suddenly and tells the other male that he will take Genisis himself, he apologizes to her for not taking her there immediately.

Genisis is so tired at the point she just huffs and Shakes her head yes.

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