Chapter 6

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Kintaro sits in his home thinking about the talk of a new female that has been sighted in a nearby village and wonders if she might be the female that he could mate with and that would love him and give him kits, he hopes that she isn't like the other females he has met in the past, he hopes that she is gentle and that she genuinely loves her mates he is a six mark Fox Beastman and he wants to be loved for who he is and not his strength or his usefulness.

He isn't royal or even a tribe leader but he is a tribe elder but not because of being older but because of his wisdom and his ability to help end fights and disagreements between beastmen. While some disagreements are settled in the arena others are solved more diplomatically. As a tribe elder he often is called upon as a mediator to help solve conflicts in the city.

Kintaro is fairly young still , he feels like he is older than his age and wishes to find his sweet female to love and protect, he really hopes that the female being whispered about comes to the festival and he could meet her and if he finds the rumors to be true about her maybe she will mate him and give him kits to love and cherish just as he will his female.

Lucky for him that very female will be there in cairn city before too much longer and he will get to find out himself.

Meanwhile back in the medium village, Genesis and her mates, are almost done packing and are ready to travel to Jasper's home village.

Jasper is ready to mate Genisis and start on their life together, he is finally going to have his own female and be part of a loving family, his mother beast didn't show love or care for her kits and only showed love for her head male which is Jasper's father beast, she was selfish and greedy, she lost so many of her males from her greed for crystals that she was constantly replacing her mates from them dying. Jasper didn't want that kind of female, so when he found Genisis he stalked her and decided that he wanted her and he plotted and planned how to have her as his female, while he was watching her and how she reacted to her two lions males, he saw that she was unlike other females he had known including his own mother beast.

He was hopeful that Genisis would let him be her male and so he began gathering courting gifts of animal pelts, he traded for sea shells and white ocean stones, he foraged for many different types of fruits in hopes the female would accept him into her family.

As for Ash, he was a proud arrogant lion beast male, he learned from being a kit that all females were selfish, greedy, whiny and helpless, most females would turn their kits out into the world before they were 10 seasons old and let them fend for themselves, it was cruel. So Ash became arrogant and prideful thinking that no female was ever going to be good enough for him to mate, but inside he felt insecure and unwanted, the only love shown to him was from his father beast and even that wasn't enough to make his feelings of insecurity go away completely.

Anders was young but very knowledgeable about healing, he was also a rare male in that he was a healer that was ranked, he was turned out by his mother beast at only 8 seasons old and that forced him to fight for his survival and he ranked up to a four mark Beastman by the time he was 13 seasons old and he was taken in by the old village healer at 14 seasons old, he was a very fast learner and he had learnt to be an accomplished healer in only 5 seasons of training and then the old healer died of old age 2 seasons after Anders finished his training and Anders had been the head healer ever since. He had met many beastmen in his years and even quite a few females but he wasn't ever impressed with any of them. He met Genisis and he fell instantly in love and would want her even if she was like all the other females he had met before, fortunately Genesis wasn't at all like the females he had known before so his joy was overflowing.

The males in and around Cairn city keep hearing whispers of a kind and beautiful female in a village nearby and most of them think that can't be true because though some females can be kind or beautiful they are very rarely either, and they are never both kind and beautiful. Others hold out hope that maybe these rumors are true facts and they want to find out if the female is how the rumors are portraying her to be.

There are so many different beast tribes in the city for the festival that the rumors of this supposed kind and beautiful female are spreading quickly until even the huge capital city Canis is starting to hear about her. The Wolf Beastman King hears These rumors and sends some of his high ranked spies and Guards to try to find if the rumors are true, Akela has long been looking for a female to make his queen and hopes that the rumors prove to be true to he at least hopes that she really is kind and that she has a good heart, if she isn't beautiful as he hears it isn't that much a big deal but the most he is hoping for is that it is true that the female has a kind and loving heart and he can be happy without the looks because if she is really kind as he has Heard then that will be enough for him.

There are only so many females in beastworld so it has always been that females are spoiled and that makes them feel as if they can have whatever they want. One such female hears all the rumors about the new female and she is telling anyone and everyone that will listen that the female is just gotta be 'lying' and that everyone knows that she (Altamira) is the most beautiful and best female alive in the world.

Jealousy is running rampant through all the females that hear these rumors, most hope that If this new female does come to the city she won't be like Altamira and some hope that she isn't at all like the rumors say, most of them believe Altamira when she says that the rumors are all lies. They also think of themselves as the best and the most beautiful females.

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