Chapter 25

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All hell is breaking loose, and it's a good thing they built the city walls so strong and tall or they would be overwhelmed by now.

They were being attacked. Not by ferals but by a stampede of those colossal things, those creatures were huge and they seemed to be in a frenzy and were attacking the city, the guards heard them coming and barely shut the city gates in time.

Since they are attacking, the city beastmen haven't been able to leave to hunt, everyone that was in the city when they closed the gates was stuck here now.

Since we are getting low on food a hunting party decides to go out and kill these colossals and stop the threat.
They will also get the crystals that these creatures carry within them.

The hunting party is large and they are gone for a solid week hunting and killing these colossals. When they return to our city they have only half the hunters that left. The hunters that did make it back have all gained a rank or two from fighting the colossals.

Genisis Just starting to show her baby bump before they had left to hunt, even her mates went to hunt the colossals, except for Anders, he stayed to watch over her during her pregnancy, by the time the hunting party got back Genisis was as big as a house.

Since she is pregnant with two sets of twin boys she is growing bigger faster than her last pregnancy when she had the eggs, she wasn't pregnant with them but for four months, these kits will be born in another four months since she was already two months along when she found out she was pregnant.

She is already waddling due to her size, Anders is taking good care of her, but, she is having cravings constantly and now her breasts are tender, pawher back and feet hurt, her ankles are swollen and she is constantly peeing. She spends all her time in bed resting or in her little bathroom these days, she cries every other minute, or so it seems.

By the time her mates come back she has grown bigger, she waits on a pile of furs right outside of their mountain for them to come home. She decides to have a day of mourning for all the Beastmen who died hunting the colossals.

None of the mated males died just the unmated males perished in the battle with the colossals. She found that she was both sad and happy about the outcome.

She was sad any of them died, but happy all of her males survived. She welcomes her mates home in their bedroom, she has been so horny during this pregnancy that she has no problems with making love with each of her males, it actually lasts a full week to get everyone satisfied and they sleep in rotations for the next week.

She first has Ash and Jasper together, then she is with Akela and Kintaro, and Brenten joins them too, then it's Azura, Anders and Ash, again, and finally she is with Ningyo, Azura and her sweet bear Bairaz. They would make love until they fell asleep and when they woke up they would take care of their business and then get food and drinks and get right back into the furs, they all were busy, the ones who weren't with Genisis were hunting and gathering to keep their selves fed.

This went on until the day Genisis gave birth, that day was again a hormonal rollercoaster, feelings changing every other minute. Genisis gave birth to four fat little butterball kits.

After much discussion they decided it was past time to name the newly hatched kits as well as her two sets of twins that were just born.

They had been arguing about the names for the kits of Brenten's since before the colossals came. Then all of them except Anders left to fight and they still hadn't come to an agreement, now they were all back and the kits belonging to Ash and Jasper have been born and they had to come up with names for them as well.

After more Arguments and a little bit of crying, by Genisis, they decided to name Brenten's males kits Karyu,Pyra,Bomris, Ehecatl, and Kinryu. And the little female they named Brenna.

As for Ash and Jasper's kits they named Ash's kits Jude and Titan and they named Jasper's kits Cobalt and Finn.

They are all quite happy with the names that were decided upon and they plan to have an tournament in celebration of their kits, also it will help everyone to feel better after the dark days they just experienced. Right before they start the tournament they plan to have a time if mourning for those that died fighting the colossals. After a short amount of time the tournament will begin, there are prizes for the winners, usually the first place winner gets a chance to win a chance to court the female of his choice but since there aren't many females living in the city yet, they win a couple of gold crystals instead.

There are prizes for each event winner. The free for all is the most popular event, they are allowed to injure but not kill their opponents. The last standing Beastman is the winner. Then they have races in Beastman form. And they have a tug of war. Genisis introduced that event as soon as the arena was finished being built and they had it in the very first tournament, it became very popular quickly. Genisis plans on introducing new events every now and then to keep them from becoming bored with always having the same events.

This tournament she decided to teach them archery and add it in as a new event. She has been teaching all of her mates archery since they mated and all of them enjoy it and are good at it. She has had her mates teaching archery to anyone who wants to learn it and it has become a popular class here.

The long standing favorite event is the free for all event, it is very simple, the competing beastmen all go into the arena and just beat the shit out of each other until there is only one Beastman that is still conscious and able to stand.
Sometimes the one who is conscious is the winner even if they are unable to stand.

Usually Anders is kept quite busy during these tournaments and this one is no different.

This time the free for all in won by a 9 mark Beastman and he asks that his prize be to court Genisis......he says that is the only prize he wants......

He is a horse Beastman and a very stubborn one, he has been interested in Genisis since he first laid eyes on her. He is determined to be a part of her family, he just has to convince her.

There is confusion as he asks for his prize to be to court Genisis, everyone knows that the prize is two gold crystals....

"Uh Mr., sorry what was your name?"

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