Chapter 27

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There is a picture gallery on the walls of the entire chamber, detailing a story of how the Beastman world started and how it evolved, it is their history all in etchings in the stone wall with some kind of paint in the etchings making them clearly visible and the paint glows like florescent light.

She wishes that she had a camera to take pictures of the room. The beast deity hadn't given her any missions since she was doing everything that she could to help. But he had been adding random things to her bag of plenty.

She was often surprised to find new objects in there, the capacity of the bag has also grown with each new item.
She can literally see the different compartments in her bag just by touching it. Like in a video game back home. Like Skyrim or Diablo.

She has learned all kinds of ways to preserve meat from the random books she finds in her bag, she has found at least a dozen different books in her bag.

Books on how to identify different plants and their many uses, books about preservation of all kinds of foodstuffs, books on carpentry and how to make clothing.

It all has been coming in when she thinks of things she needs at that moment. It seems that the beast deity has been keeping an eye on her.

She slowly walks around the cavern following the pictures and trying to understand some of the story they represent, her mates are also in awe of the pictures portraying their past history.

She gets halfway around the cavern when she notices that it is showing scenes of their battle with the colossals and of the times she had been kidnapped.

She thinks that she must have missed something so she goes back and looks at the pictures before the battle of the colossals.

She doesn't understand how these scenes are on here when they happened so recently. She looks at the next scene and it is almost pornography. It has her pictured with her mates surrounding her in various sexual positions and it's like a old fashioned movie reel, one by one of her personal bedroom and her mates starting with Ash and Anders in the small village she was in after she first met Ash.

The scenes keep track of everything that has happened to her since she first arrived. It is a wall of history that seems to fill in everything that has happened that seems to be noteworthy, so Genisis wonders what made her life since coming to the beastworld noteworthy?

She thinks that she needs to ask someone that has been here long enough that they may have knowledge of this cavern, but who?

She starts rubbing her marks like crazy to let her mate's know that she needs them. She hopes that at least one of them will know what this could mean or at the very least know someone who will. She tries asking the beast deity about it but she receives no answers.

Back at Encto city (the city that Genisis and her mates founded)
Ash and Jasper are just getting back from hunting and feel Genisis pulling at them from their mating marks.

Anders is at home with the kits and he feels the pull of Genisis touching his mating mark but can't leave the kits by themselves and they are too young and too numerous to go to Genisis, so he just resigns himself to finding out what is going on later when everyone is back home.

Ningyo is out at the market trying to find something special for his mate when he feels the pull and he goes directly to their home to let Anders know he is going to find Genisis and he will be bringing her home as soon as whatever is going on now is over with.

Bairaz and Cisco (The horse Beastman) are both in the market talking when Bairaz feels the pull and Cisco asks to join Bairaz in case there is any fighting to protect Genisis.
They both go together to find her and hope that she is ok.

They all meet up at the entrance to the city and head out together to find Genisis and they all hope that she is safe

They make their way to an open field and see Brenten waiting for them in a slight depression on the ground, he motions to them to follow him and he leads them down the stone steps to the cavern where Genisis, Akela, Kintaro and Mizu are waiting for them. 

She greets them all with hugs and kisses and says "How are Anders and the kits doing?"

They reassure her that everyone is doing well at home, she tells them she will be spending time at home with all of them as soon as they are done here.

She takes them over to the etchings and asks them if any of them had ever seen anything like them before?

Cisco approaches the wall and looks it over, he turns to Genisis and says that he had never seen it before but that most elders teach the young Beastmen about the memory walls in the beastworld. He only knows that they are usually only around the major cities of the beastworld and usually only elders or seers are allowed to go inside of them.

Genisis starts to blush when she starts to ask him about the memory walls and she still doesn't know his name.

" My name is Cisco my pretty little filly, but you can call me daddy"  he smirks enjoying her blushing

She is so turned on that everyone can smell it. They all almost forget what they were talking about. Until Genisis steps back away from them and clears her throat.

She then says that they should find the elders that may live in Encto city and let them know about the memory walls and ask them if they may know why Genisis and her mates are shown on the walls.

Cisco has been looking at the walls and comes to the scenes of Genisis and her mates and wonders if he will be up there soon too. He asks Genisis if she is ready for him and her to be a part of the next scene and she again blushes and her pussy gets even wetter at the thought.

She looks down as she answers his question with a question of her own. "Are you sure you want me? I have so many mates already, are you sure you wouldn't want a female with fewer mates than I have?"

He doesn't even have to think about his response, he tells her, "I  have been around a lot of different females and I have watched how they act, how they talk to their males, how they treat their males, and none of them even compare to you, you treat your males and kits better than any other female I have ever seen or met."  "You are the kindest, sweetest, most beautiful inside and outside little filly I have ever met and I would be honored to be a part of your family, if you will have me?" Cisco responds in a gentle but cajoling tone of voice.

She tells him that he is more than welcome in her family and if he would please wait until  after he has gathered his things from his village and let his village know he is leaving, she will mate him as soon as he returns to Encto city.

She tries not to ask him to hurry back, but she doesn't think she would have to ask him that anyway. He seems eager enough.

They all spend awhile longer exploring the memory walls and surrounding caves that are attached to the cavern.
They then head back to Encto city and their home. Cisco offers her to ride him back to the city and she blushes again. He smirks at her and whispers in her ear  "You smell so delicious little filly, I could just eat you up!" He says licking his lips and winking at her. "And as soon as I get back from my village that is what I plan to do, just so you know!" He winks again and changes to his beastform.

Ash scoops her up and puts her on Cisco's back for the ride home. There is a commotion at the gates as they arrive and they hear the guards asking someone to calm down and stop screaming.....

Genisis is carried right up to the gate and the guards look relieved to see that Genisis and her mates have returned.
She looks at the guard and asks "what is going on here?"

This Beastman showed up and started yelling about the beast deity and how you are his daughter and that the beast deity sent you to ......

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