Chapter 4

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As soon as Wei Ying reached the nearest town he immediately went looking for an inn. Still bewildered and a little bit angry, he walked through the doors. (Wei Ying are still thinking of himself as a boy so he would refer to himself as he. Only until he accepts of course).
The inn owner gave the young lady that walked through the door just one look and made his way over hastily. He bowed and said in a concern voice and look on his face.
"Young lady are you fine? I do hope that the soldiers did not try to hurt you? Come, come sit down let me get you some water". And he waved Wei Ying over to an empty table.
" Young lady. Who are you talking to". He looked around and saw no one.
"Ah shame what have they done to you". The owner said and Wei Ying gave him a confuse look and point at himself.
"Yes you. You are a young maiden? Are you not?". The owner now asked confused as he looked at Wei Ying.
" Mmm so you see it too right". Wei Ying asked wide eyes.
"See what?". Now the owner are sure that those damn wen soldiers did something to this poor young maiden. Look she even forget that she is a woman. What a shame really.
Wei Ying point at his chest and said.
"This. You see it. Ah I wanna die. Please someone tell me that I am dreaming". Wei Ying threw his hands up in the air.
The owner felt so bad for her. That instead he asked.
"Would you rather prefer a room young lady. It seems that you went through quite the ordeal. May the gods strike those dead that had hurt you like this. You forgot that you are a woman. Poor thing. Let's get you to a room".
"Yes please and a full length mirror. I would really appreciate it. I do not know what had happened. It all happened so fast that I am still in shock. Could you bring some wine. Lots of wine also". Wei Ying spoke as the owner leads him up the stairs to one of the rooms.
"Of course no problem. I would also be. Poor thing. They have no respect not even for a innocent and weak maiden like you. I just hope they did not do anything indecent to you. Oh poor child. It is very dangerous out there and do not worry you will be safe here and the room does have a full length mirror. Does the young lady wants bath water as well?". The owner talked as he pushed Wei Ying into the room.
"It is. The one moment you went to sleep as a man and the next you wake up with this on your chest and yingying is gone.  Poof probably never to be seen or feel again. How did this happen. There was no warning nothing just disappeared". Wei Ying still trying to comprehend what had happened said.
"Oh my god. They even took yingying. Oh these wen have no shame or regard for other people's things. I just hope yingying had a quick and merciful death young lady. I am so sorry for your loss. You must have loved him very much". The owner said with a sad voice.

"I did. I liked to touch it. Play with it. Just to know how it feels. He was with me since birth and now he is gone. No more. A part of me missing. Ripped from my own two hands into nothingness. Now I have to live with singsing. I don't even know who that is". Wei Ying said as tears forms in his eyes.
"Oh poor soul. But let me get you the bath water and wine. I just hope singsing will give just as much joy and love as yingying did". The owner said and shakes his head in sadness as he saw the despair on the young maidens face.
Poor thing to have lost someone you love so much. And so young in your life. The owner thought as he slides the door close behind him and made his way downstairs to forfill the young maidens wishes.
Wei Ying just stood their and thought. Is this how you feel if you are in mourning?. If only he had insisted in knowing what the damn pill would really do. Do you even have to tie it down to hold it or what. He could not help himself. His curious mind taking over and he walked towards the mirror. Seeing how tight his robes are over it he brought his hands up and touched it again. He almost jumped out of his skin when he heard a knock on the door. The owner not waiting for an answer slides the door open and saw a wide eye Wei Ying looking at him.

"I am sorry for startling you young lady but I thought you would want to clean up and eat something. After what you went through I am just angry". He said. Wei Ying just nodded his head and the owner showed the servants to fill the bath up with water and he put the food and wine on the low table and before he leaves he said.
"I hope that the young lady would feel better after a good nights rest. I know you miss your yingying but believe me when I say that he is in a better place. Sleep well". He bow and left sliding the door close behind him.
Wei Ying looked long at the door after the man had left. He eventually turned his attention back to the mirror and really looked at himself. Everything is different about him. And he means everything. His face is rounder and softer. His hands are smaller. He slowly starts to removes his robes. His heart is hammering so hard in his chest he is afraid he will die. Taking deep breaths he finally shred the last and then his undershirt and pants. There standing naked infront of the mirror he realise that his breast are a very decent size. Not to big and not to small. If he would guess it's medium.
He slowly let his eyes slides down. His hips are boarder. He turns to the side and his ass. His ass are round as melons. He took his hands and squeeze it. Mmm soft but firm. He turns slowly to the front again still avoiding the part of his body that will surely breaks his heart all over.

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