Chapter 16

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As soon as Caihong and Lan Zhan were gone. Jiang Yanli had collapsed from sheer shock and was taken away to be seen by a healer. The hall finally broke out in chaos. People were talking loudly, and most of them were scared, and fear crept into their hearts. Seeing how the duo did not waver to dealt out death sentences and not even blinking an eye or showed any signs of remorse. How could they be trusted amongst them or even in their presence.
Who's to say that they won't do the same to them if they get offended or someone says the wrong words or just look at them the wrong way.

Lan Xichen was squeezing his tea cup so hard. Any harder, and he will break it. His eyes sweep over the hall. They dare talk about his family in such a way. Not even regarding that he and his uncle were in the same room. He is not a violent man by nature, but exceptions will be made if any of these sects tries to hurt his brother and soon to be sister in law. There will be hell to pay. For he is not above to take revenge himself. He put the cup down and took deep, slow breaths when he felt a hand squeezing his arm softly. He looked to his left hand side and saw his uncle giving him a look that said. Enough blood was spilled tonight. He nodded and sighed as he looked at his friend and the other three sitting next to him. They all had angry looks on their faces except for young master Wen. He looked like a scared puppy. With those round big eyes and how he hides himself behind his sister.

Jin Guangshan sat with a small smile on his face. It seems that the Jiang had done the work for him. He glances to his side to where Jin Guangyoa is standing and gives him a small nod. Said man stepped forward and cleared his throat lightly as he lifts his hand. The room fell silent as all eyes turns to him and he smiles before he bowed and spoke.

"Esteem cultivators please let us not be to hasty in our judgment. Instead let's wait until the second young master lan and young lady Hua to come back before we revisit this topic".

Jin Guangyoa said with a dimple smile as he glances over to where Lan Xichen was sitting. His smile fell for just a second when he saw the murderous look on his face. He quickly schooled his face and the smile was back.

"We have all worked hard to bring Wen Rouhan's fall. My father would like to extend his gratitude towards each and every sect that participated in the war. He also would like to help in rebuilding those sects that was hit the hardest during the war".

He pause and let his eyes glides over room as applause and gratitude rang through the hall. Praises were being sang as to how generous the Jin sect Leader is. Sect Leader Nie shakes his head lightly a frown on his face. So it didn't take long to start than. Lan Qiren let his hand glides over his beard. Knowing what will come. It is a brilliant plan actually. Doing this one deed of kindness. Or make it seems that it is. He is gathering and making sure that he will be ontop.

Jin Guangshan nodded his head in thanks at the praises being sang to him. Jin Guangyoa raised his hand again and spoke.

"As you all know. Now that the Wen had been defeated. We still have many of them out there who needs to be catch and brought to justice. Once again my father had thought that as the sects are still suffering from the war and will soon be too busy rebuilding their sects. We the Jin sect will do everything to bring these Wens to justice so that they won't conspire to revenge their sect leaders death."

He spoke dimple smile in place. Wen Qing seething in her seat at the implication.

"How generous of sect Leader Jin. He sure will make a fine Chief Cultivator. I vote that we select sect Leader Jin as our next Chief Cultivator."

Sect Leader Yao said as he raised his wine glass and many echo him.

"I don't think that would be good idea".

Huaisang whispers into Mingjue's ear. He nodded his head agreeing with his little brother.

"Thank you Esteem Cultivator for your faith in me to lead you. It will be my honor to serve the cultivation world and rid it off all the evil that walked amongst us."

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