Chapter Eleven- I Knew It Was Too Good To Be True

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The next day Braxton was released and we were both walking down the road that afternoon. Our hands intertwined, talking about random shit in the world when a girl came up, out of nowhere, she just kinda popped up and began yelling at Braxton.

"You piece of shit! You told me you loved me! We were inseparable! After this little hoe left your hospital room last night, we became real friendly with each other! And while doing so, you said you loved me! I believed you!" She screamed and I stood back, in shock.

"Who the hell are you?!" I managed to yell and she let out a small laugh, "I'm the girl from his last relationship. We broke up because of you. It was all your fault. And then, when you left his room last night, we became really friendly again."

I didn't want to believe her so instead... I fought her.

I ran to her and punched her swiftly in her nose. She stepped back, appalled and grabbed her bleeding nose. Then she tackled me to the ground, she got a few punches in before my adrenaline really kicked in and I turned her over and began punching her.

Braxton pulled me off her and I noticed my lip was swollen and bleeding and my nose was bleeding as well.

She was bleeding from her lip, nose and her eye was already forming a bruise.

"Alexandra, calm down. Its okay." He said reassuringly and then helped her to her feet.

"You just need to go home. Never come back here." He said, pointing at her.

She then laughed a bit, turned around and yelled one last thing before walking off, "Next time, don't call me Alexandra during it! It ruined the mood!" That burned like fire. I was about to charge at her again when Braxton stopped me.

I was crying at that point. When I get really angry, I cry. I wasn't only crying from anger, I was honestly hurt. Again. I had so many mixed emotions flying around it was impossible to pinpoint which one I was feeling the most.

"She better be lying, Braxton." I said through my tears and he looked down at the ground.

"Oh my God. So, all of that 'I only wanted you' bullshit was just a lie? I thought you loved me. I thought I was the only one. You know 'you and only you'. That didn't mean anything to you, did it?" I asked, still crying.

"Its true, I only want you, Alexandra." He said but I cut him off, "Don't you dare call me Alexandra right now. And if I'm the only one you want, why are you in the hospital room after I leave, screwing another girl? Who isn't your girlfriend. And the last time I checked, I'm your girlfriend. I'm the only one who's supposed to have you but no, you have your ex up here, screwing you while I'm gone."

"It didn't mean anything, Alex. We just got caught up in the moment while we were talking about the past. I love you." He said, tears streaming down his face.

"If it didn't mean anything to you and you say you love me, then why tell her you love her while screwing her?" I asked, becoming more furious about the whole situation.

"You heard what she said, I called your name out. I was thinking of you, that's why I told her I loved her." He said and I scrunched up my face, "You were thinking about me while being occupied with another girl? That's gross. Just, I don't even know. I'm leaving. Give me space to think." I said and turned and walked to my house.

"Are we still together?" He called out and I yelled back, "I don't know. You'll know by tomorrow."

Then I walked home. Tomorrow? Did I give myself enough time to think? I really need Sam and Jess.

I called them both and they agreed to come spend the night with me. It was a Friday too, so it was all good with their parents and my dad.

They came over and we talked about the situation and they were genuinely pissed.

"You don't need to be with that ass hat for another minute. If he can't control himself in a small hospital room then he definitely can't control himself in the world." Sam said, getting really pissed, "If Matt ever did that to me, I'd break up with his ass so quick, it'd make his head spin."

"Same with Charlie. I wouldn't let him do that." Jess commented and I nodded, "You guys are right. I'm going to text him right now. Okay so, I'll get my phone and you guys go get ice cream and candy and some funny movies. I'll be up here. I love you both. I hate guys." I said and they nodded going to get the stuff.

We're over. I've had enough time to think about it. Stay out of my life.~~Alex

Come on, you're just acting off of impulse. Please, give me another chance.~~Braxton

Fine. But honestly this is your last chance. If you screw up again, we're absolutely through. No if's, and's or but's about it.~~ Alex

Okay, thank you so much Alexandra. You won't regret this. I love you.~~Braxton


When the girls got back, I told them but we still ate everything and watched the movies. Who wouldn't?




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