Chapter Seven- I Miss You

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The rest of that day we spent eating, watching TV, playing on our phones, fangirling over bands such as Black Veil Brides and 5 Seconds Of Summer. Then around 10:00 we went to bed.

I woke up several different times that night, I was just restless. I wanted to sleep, my body wanted to sleep but I just couldn't do it knowing I was gonna have to face him tomorrow.

The next morning I got up at 5:00, a little earlier seeing as how I can't get any sleep anyways, and got a shower. Then I got dressed in black skinny jeans, a 5 Seconds Of Summer shirt, and my black converse.

When I went back into my room I woke Sam and Jess up and they got showers and got dressed too.

They ate breakfast and I wasn't in the mood for it so I skipped it, and then we got in my car and I proceeded to drive to school.

"Babes, you have to chill. You're shaking. Facing him can't be that bad, Alex." Sam said, we've always called each other babes.

I glared at her and then turned to face the road again, "Yes, it is this bad. I've spent the entire weekend trying to come up of a way to ignore him."

"You haven't said anything to us about it." Jess retorted.

"I was thinking about it in my head, I figured you guys have had enough of me bickering about Braxton."

"Look babes, we're here for you no matter what. If you wanna talk about him, go ahead, we'll listen and maybe give you some advice. Although we know how Jess is at advice." Sam replied and then Jess slapped her arm, "I'm great at advice, thank you very much."

I drove the rest of the way and we got out if the car and began walking towards the entrance when Braxton pulled up and parked and I could feel his eyes watching me. I felt like I was being stalked.

"Alex! Alex, wait up! I wanna talk to you!" Braxton said and all of us walked faster and then he ran to catch up with us. He then stepped in front of me, preventing me from moving, "Alex, please let me talk to you. I want to show you how much you mean to me."

"Braxton, can we not do this here?" I asked softly and he nodded, "Will you come with me after school to the ice cream shop? I'll tell you everything."

"Fine, if you leave me alone here at school today and don't stare me down then I'll consider it." I replied and he shook his head no, "Its not up for consideration, Alex. Its a yes or no question."

"Its up for consideration if I make it that way. I will not give a yes or no answer right now. Talk to me in last period and I'll have your answer, let me and my friends go to class now." I said and pushed past him.

"I miss you. I love you." He called out and Jess flipped him off while we were walking away.

We went to our lockers and got our stuff ready for the first few classes and went to our first period... Where Braxton was.

I sat down beside Sam and Braxton took his usual seat behind us and I could feel his eyes burning into the back of my skull, Sam could tell I looked uncomfortable, "What's wrong?" She asked.

"I can feel Braxton staring at me." As soon as I said that, Sam whipped around to face him, "Listen here Braxton, she told you she didn't want you staring at her but here you are, staring a hole through her skull. She's done with you, okay? She might give you a chance after school but if I was her, I wouldn't give you the time of day. You're lucky she's nice to you." Then she turned back around and smiled at me.

"Damn Samantha." Then I chuckled, knowing she hates when people use her full name. "I just did something nice to me and then you gonna be an asshole?" Then she laughed too.

I didn't feel like he was staring at me anymore the rest of the day, I guess Sam put the fear of God into his soul, haha.

After school Braxton was waiting at my car, "So... Are you gonna let me explain?"

"I guess. But we're driving in separate cars, I'm not gonna be in a car with you as well as the same place."

"I understand. So, I'll see you there?" He asked and I nodded, throwing my things in my car and getting in. He then jogged off to his car as we set off.

We got there and went inside, "Do you want anything?" He asked. "Yeah, but I've got it." I replied.

"I insist." "I said I've got it, Braxton."

I then got a vanilla ice cream cone and he got rocky road and we sat down.

"So, what did you want to explain? As if there's anything to explain at all." I said and he looked up, "Look, that night when we had our falling out, I broke up with her. I realized that you're the only person I need. I miss you, I love you and I need you, Alex. When I only wanted you to get in your pants, I really wasn't thinking. But the day I told you I loved you, I meant it. We had become so close that I didn't see you just as another girl to get with. I seen you as the girl I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I'm sorry, Alex."

I was crying by then and he wiped the tears off my face, we pressed our foreheads together.

"I want to love you, I really do. But I can't, not just yet. I'm willing to give you another chance, I just can't love you yet." I said and I saw a tear escape his eyes, "That's fine. I won't make you regret it."

Our foreheads were still together and he leaned in, I couldn't help myself and I leaned in too. Our lips connected and it felt like our first kiss.

"I knew you couldn't resist this." He said sarcasticly laughing and I laughed punching him in his chest.

Okay everyone, that's this chapter and I'm pretty pleased with the way it turned out. I'm still kinda down and out today but I'm a bit better. I wanted to do this for you guys because you were probably expecting it.

Thanks to everyone who reads, votes, and comments, you guys have made my day because I think I have like 80 something reads? I don't know but I'm so thankful for it you guys and to the people who have stuck with me through the little difficulty I was having with wattpad.

Uhm, I love you all, bye.

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