Chapter Six- The Aftermath Of You

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When I opened the door, my mom was standing there.

I slammed the door right in her face. She kept knocking on it but I ignored her.

That night we just watched movies constantly and we ate popcorn and I cried. Over and over. My dad officially hates Braxton. I'm pretty sure if my dad saw him in public, he'd chop his head off.

At 1:00 am, my phone buzzed and I picked it up. It was Braxton.

Babe, please, I'm sorry. I love you so much. Pleaaseee babbyyyy. I miss you so much, its killing me.~~Braxton

I'm not forgiving you this quick, Braxton. You broke me. And I've been broken so many times before and you didn't help. Bye, Braxton.~~Alex

Please, I'm so sorry.~~Braxton

Stop asking me to forgive you or it'll never happen. Goodbye.~~Alex

Okay, I'll send you Monday, goodbye.~~Braxton.

I put my phone up and began crying again. "Its okay, Alex." Jess said and I looked at her, "Yeah, only because its not happening to you."

"Sorry..." She trailed off.

"Don't be, I'm sorry. I'm just upset. Please don't feel bad." I replied sadly.

"Okay, I'll try not to." She said forcing a smile.

"I know that's fake. If I feel better, you need to feel better." I said, chuckling a bit.

"Okay, fine." She retorted rolling her eyes playfully.

After that, we started having actual fun, we watched ridiculous movies, played indoor basketball with a banana and a hamper. In the end, the banana ended up black.

Around 6:00 the girls fell asleep but I never did. I couldn't get comfortable and my thoughts were all over everywhere.

They woke up around 12:00 but I had gotten up to get breakfast at 8:00 and dad asked me how I was and I told him the truth.

I told him I was hurt, broken, couldn't sleep, didn't feel like eating, didn't want to even move. The only reason I got breakfast was because my dad made me. I ate one waffle and that was it. I went and laid back down and pushed Jess and Sam off my bed and they just groaned but stayed on the floor.

I laid there, watched TV, played on my phone, checked social medias.

12:00 rolled around and I heard, "Dammit Sam, get the hell off of me." I couldn't help but laugh at that.

"Sorry." Sam replied slepily and then Jess said, "Alex, shut the hell up, this ain't funny." Then she started laughing.

"Hey you guys, I miss Braxton."

"Get over him, Alex. He was bound to hurt you. You have us though." Sam retorted and I looked at her, "I'm so glad I have you guys." Then I rolled off the bed and onto both of them and hugged them while they groaned in pain.

I then got off of them and they got up, "Go make me food." Jess said and I laughed, "You have two legs, go get them yourself."

"Yeah Jess, she only makes food for me." Sam told Jess to which I laughed again, "You thought real hard. Y'all go make you a sandwich or some shit. I'll be up here."

They got up and went to go make food and I flopped back on the bed, hurried my face into my hands and cried silently.

I hadn't cried this much in so long. It hurt so much. I was still trying to understand why in the hell my mom was here yesterday. Right as I was thinking that I got a call from a blocked number, it was my mom.

"What do you want?" I asked, clearly annoyed.

"I want you to come visit. I missed you. I never see you." She replied.

"Whose fault is it that I never get to see you? It sure as hell isn't mine. You're the one who left me, I didn't leave you. I spent so long wondering where you were, whether you were coming back for me or not. I haven't seen you in 3 years and now you come back saying this shit?! Oh hell no. Good fucking riddance." I yelled and hung up.

After I hung up Jess and Sam came in with 8 sandwiches, chips, candy and soda.

"We were halfway up when we heard you fighting with your mom, we know how that is so... We brought a lot of food." Sam said and I laughed at how well they knew me.

We ate, ate, ate and let me think, ate. "Can y'all stay again tonight? I'll take y'all to school tomorrow." They then nodded and we cheered while laughing at how childish we were being.

Then I thought about how childish Braxton is. I can't stop thinking about him and it hurts so much.

I hate him. I hate almost everyone.

okay you guys, that's this chapter. I don't have much to say, I'm kind of down because today was the last day of 8th grade and half of my friends are either going to early college or a private school or moving so I've cried a lot today. But now, I'm officially a high school student so... Yeah.

Thanks for reading, commenting, voting and everything. I love you all. Bye.

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