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As soon as the leading host closes the tour with their speech and prayer.
My feet were in movement of walking... I normally walk out running from people. But surprisingly this time I'm walking backstage behind the setup stage.

I want to meet her,
I should meet her.

I don't even know what I'm doing and I know if I stand for a second to think about it. I will talk myself out of it so I have to move now and think when I get to her.

"Hey, stop, where are you running off to? Aren't we supposed to be heading NY? The car is ready." I know that is my manager.
I can pick out her high-pitched voice out of a hundred ones but even though I know she is rushing to me in her heels. I don't stop for her.

The backstage is busy with people going places, others standing for small talk.

"Hey, Chris, amazing lead out there man. You nailed it." I also don't stop for those. I only nod my head to each congratulation but I hit a sudden stop making Mariam fall on my back.

"Chris," she whines scrubbing her forehead that she hit on my back. "What is wrong with you, don't you realize you are not walking here alone?" And whose mistake was it again? Never mind.

"What was the name again of the lady preacher today?" She pulls her palm away from her forehead and turns to glare at me. "Do you mean Elliana..., why do you say she was the lady preacher of today? Have you not seen her this whole time? Chris, if you haven't noticed such a beautiful woman in the past months, did you even learn something from this tour? You know it's not all about songs, you know? People pray, people preach and others listen and change from what they were preached from?" I roll my eyes subconsciously at my secretary.

She is lucky I just don't feel like bickering right now and she is more like my sister to me or else I wouldn't tolerate her daily lessons like that one. To top it up she is also a beautiful woman.

"Christian?" I turn at the soft, melodic voice calling my name.
My brows almost touch my hairline when I turn to her.

What did Mariam say her name was again? Uh, Elliana. Beautiful like the owner.

I grin when she gives me her hand for a shake. "Hey, I'm Apostle Elliana." Clearing my throat, I slide my big hand into her small, soft ones.
"Christian." I squeeze her soft hand before letting it go.

Now that she is up close to me, I can see just how beautiful she is.
A flawless smile, and two high cheekbones that compliment those dimples of hers gracefully. "You know it's funny how we've been doing this tour together but somehow I don't know. It feels like you really haven't been here, where do you go once the tour ends?" I tug my hands in my jeans pockets.

I offer her a nonchalant smile.
"I have been here, apostle Elliana." Uh, her name is sweet.

"No, you haven't." She chuckles. "This is the end and I've always looked for you afterward but you are nowhere to be seen." She says and I arch my brows.
She has been looking for me?
Are we fan girls now?

"Some might think you don't even exist away from the stage." True. I don't exist away from the stage but she doesn't have to know now, does she?

I stand strong and smile at her, a teasing smile. If you knew me well enough you would distinguish the smile but she doesn't. "You have been looking for me?" I ask slowly.
She has been holding my eye contact but now that I asked that, I catch a little shyness on her face before she hides it away from me.

"Some might think apostle Elliana, you are a stalker fan beyond the stage." I tease again.
This time though, she might catch on the teasing smile because she raises her head, shakes it, and meets my gaze.

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